Media Winners & Losers

New York Post

The New York Post is beseeching President Donald Trump to accept that he’s lost the election in a front-page editorial that flatly states the Commander in Chief should give up the “dark charade” of cheering for an “undemocratic coup” and instead focus on how he can save his legacy.

Written by the NY Post Editorial Board, the opinion piece opens with “Mr. President, it’s time to end this dark charade,” before reminding its intended reader that “We’re one week away from an enormously important moment for the next four years of our country.” referencing the Georgia Senate run-off elections on January 5th. ”

“You have tweeted that, as long as Republicans have ‘courage,’ they can overturn the results and give you four more years in office,” it continues. “In other words, you’re cheering for an undemocratic coup.”

The NY Post editorial board has been among the most loyal newspaper outlets to President Trump, and was famously in front of the Hunter Biden story, for which the journalists at the paper were punished by social media companies and their peers.

This weekend it's a different story, as the reaction to the editorial has been nothing short of "stunned" among other members of the press. It is without a doubt a big media moment.


Anthony Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci defended himself on Sunday from critical accusations of moving the goal posts on what needs to happen before America can reach herd immunity against the coronavirus.

CNN’s Dana Bash interviewed Fauci on State of the Union, and after getting his thoughts on the possible covid surge the country might see after the holidays, she brought up his recent comments about herd immunity to The New York Times. In the past, Fauci said America would need a covid infection/vaccination rate of approximately 70 percent before herd immunity would be possible, but now he is bumping up his estimates and saying it might be closer to 90 percent.

“My question is why weren’t you straight with the American people to begin with?” Bash asked him.

Fauci retorted that he was working with “pure estimates” and “we have to realize that we have to be humble and realize what we don’t know.”

“I think we all have to be honest and humble,” he said. “Nobody really knows for sure, but I think 70 to 85 percent for herd immunity for Covid-19 is a reasonable estimate.”

The mere fact that Dr. Fauci went from rock star status to Dana Bash asking why he wasn't being honest is negative trajectory and a measurable media status loss. But the blow to the public confidence? That loss could be incalculable.

Mediaite’s Most Influential in News Media 2020

See the reporters, anchors, correspondents, executives, and expert analysts who made this year's list.

The A-Block

The Kushner Courtyard

No, it's not a new hotel venture. ​The courtyard of the United States Embassy in Jerusalem was named in honor of Jared Kushner last week following his role in the Israel–United Arab Emirates normalization agreement.

Gohmert v Pence

President Donald Trump’s most ardent backers in Congress are turning to increasingly more desperate measures to keep Vice President Mike Pence from certifying President-elect Joe Biden’s victory. How desperate?

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) joined a group of 11 other plaintiffs suing the vice president over it.

Rasmussen, too

Rasmussen is publicly urging Pence to ignore the 2020 election results when Congress moves to certify Biden’s victory in the Electoral College next week.


Republican pollster Frank Luntz warned Sunday that he thinks both incumbent senators in Georgia could lose to their Democratic challengers because of Trump's ongoing and increasingly erratic behavior about the election.

The Plan

Roger Stone recently met with Trump and proposed a plan for the president to remain in office despite losing the 2020 election, according to a recent message posted on his Parler account.

Tapper Burn

On CNN Sunday, Jake Tapper told Brian Stelter there are certain pro-Trump people he simply will not interview, because they’ve established themselves as liars for the president with “no value” being aired on TV.

Kayleigh McEnany, I never booked her. Jason Miller from the Trump campaign, I would never book him," said Tapper. "These are just people who tell lies the way that most people breathe. There was no value in that.”

Stunning Spectacles

ABC News took fire for ice on Saturday, when they were blasted on Twitter over some soft news fluff about China.

Lori Loughlin Let Loose

Full House actor Lori Loughlin was released from prison on Monday after completing a two-month sentence for her role in the 2019 college admissions scandal, prison spokeswoman Sally Swarts said Monday.

The Interview, Episode #013 - Rachel Maddow
ICYMI: Rachel Maddow appeared on the latest episode of Mediaite podcast The Interview. Listen to the full episode now...

Must See Clip

"Being attacked for who I am"

Alec and Hilaria Baldwin have responded to accusations that she has been pretending to be Spanish and has even faked her accent.

"Twitter to me is something where you really gotta dig through the garbage. It’s like a big swap meet,” said Alec Baldwin in his video. “It’s just a vast orchard of crap … I just want to say to people, you’ve got to consider the source."

Not an unfair point, tbh.

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