Embracing Data Resiliency; Clop Ransomware Fallout; Automation as a Way of Life

InformationWeek Data Analytics
February 20, 2023
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NYC’s Founder Fellowship Returns with a Deeper Roster of Startups
Program to support more diversity and inclusivity in the innovation scene scales up to offer resources to 100 startups largely led by women and minorities.

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Why Your Organization Needs to Embrace Data Resiliency

It's better to be safe than sorry. A strong data resilience strategy ensures that your organization's data will always be available and accessible.
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Understanding Zero-Day Vulnerabilities and the Clop Ransomware Fallout

Clop ransomware gang was able to exploit a zero-day vulnerability in a secure file transfer tool, allowing it to steal data from more than 100 organizations. How much risk do zero-day vulnerabilities pose going forward?
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Automation is Not a Technology, It’s a Way of Life

Embracing automation is the only way companies can survive in the digital age, but it’s a complex process. Here’s how to make the necessary cultural shift to help automation take flight.
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  • The Biggest Network Security Threats of 2023 & How to Combat Them

    Ransomware, compromised credentials, data breaches, distributed infrastructure, and the explosion in the number of edge devices are all among the biggest security nightmares for network teams. What can be done to combat these challenges? Find out in our latest webinar.

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Carbon Accounting Tech Evolves as ESG Demands Increase
As enterprises attempt to trim their carbon footprint and avoid accusations of greenwashing, the need to adopt a sound carbon accounting framework is vital. But the shift toward accuracy and transparency can prove daunting. Read More
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What Just Broke?: Digital Ethics in the Time of Generative AI
Generative AI further complicates an already muddled dynamic for news outlets and anyone who seeks sources that can be verified. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
What Ukraine's IT Industry Can Teach CIOs About Resilience
War has tested Ukraine's cyber resilience in unimaginable ways. Yet, by rising to the challenge, the Ukrainian IT industry has emerged as a leader in the country’s new economy. Data shows growth in the tech sector and suggests further reasons for optimism in the coming year. Read More
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How Rural America is Looking to Close the Digital Divide
As fiber technologies continue to evolve, ultimately, communities themselves may be the key to closing the digital divide faced in many rural areas. Read More
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