In this issue, May 7, 2019 View it in your browser.

Observability, The Data Science Mindset, Google Cloud Code, Rust, Kotlin, Java Logging, Zero Server Web Framework, TensorFlow.js, Mental Health, Remote Working, BDD and Testing

Are you looking to grow your career, build your network, and lead your company in 2019?

Hear and learn from practitioner speakers driving innovation and change in software, join QCon NYC speakers like Gremlin’s Director of Product Lorne Kligerman, and Microsoft’s Senior Cloud Advocate Jason Hand. Save $100 using the code INFOQNY19!



Developer’s guide to Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Do you want to use PostgreSQL without worrying about managing, securing, and scaling your database? Learn more about Azure Database for PostgreSQL.

Ben Sigelman, Co-Creator of Dapper & OpenTracing API, on Observability

Ben Sigelman is the CEO of Lightstep and the author of the Dapper paper that spawned distributed tracing discussions in the software industry. Sigelman discusses with Wes Reisz observability, and his thoughts on logging, metrics, and tracing. The two discuss detection and refinement as the real problem when it comes to diagnosing and troubleshooting incidents with data. (Podcast)

Doug Kirkpatrick on Self-Management, Professional Growth and Great Cultures

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Doug Kirkpatrick at the Agile People conference in Stockholm, Sweden, about what self-management actually means for the people in an organisation. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Google Scales Weak Supervision to Overcome Labeled Dataset Problem

  2. Microsoft Releases High-Performance C# and F# Support for Apache Spark

  3. Salesforce Adds Intelligence to its Einstein Services Offering

The Data Science Mindset: Six Principles to Build Healthy Data-Driven Organizations

In this article, business and technical leaders will learn methods to assess whether their organization is data-driven and benchmark its data science maturity. They will learn how to use the Healthy Data Science Organization Framework to nurture a data science mindset within the organization. (Article)

YugaByte DB - A Planet-Scale Database for Low Latency Transactional Apps

Amey Banarse and Karthik Ranganathan introduce and demo YugaByte DB, a large scale DB, highlighting distributed transactions with global consistency. (Presentation)



A Machine and Deep Learning Primer

This eBook, the first in a five-part series, examines the differences between machine learning and deep learning, the challenges associated with each, and how in-memory computing addresses these challenges. Download Now.


  1. Google Announces Cloud Code: Extending IntelliJ and Visual Studio Code to Kubernetes Apps

  2. DockerHub Breach Exposes Usernames, Hashed Passwords, and GitHub Tokens of 5% of Hub Users

  3. HashiCorp Releases Nomad 0.9 with Additional Scheduling Features

  4. Fully Managed Blockchain Networks with Amazon Managed Blockchain Now Generally Available

  5. Partly Cloudy, Twitter Embarks on Their Cloud Journey

Q&A on the Docker on Windows – Second Edition

InfoQ interviewed Elton Stoneman about the significant changes in the 2nd edition of Docker on Windows, typical use-cases, benefits of CI/CD Pipelines, containerization, guidance, operations, and collaboration between Microsoft and Docker. (Article)

API Gateways and Service Meshes: Opening the Door to Application Modernisation

Modernising applications by decoupling them from the underlying infrastructure on which they are running can enable innovation, reduce costs, and improve security. An API Gateway can decouple applications from external consumers, and a service mesh decouples applications from internal consumers. (Article)

The Anatomy of Building a Compliant PCF Service in a Limited Connectivity Environment #BoomSauce

Joshua Kirchmeier and Garrett Klok discuss the techniques used to achieve DFARS compliance within AWS GovCloud, and troubleshooting challenges faced with using PCF in a limited connectivity IaaS. (Presentation)

Many DevSecOps Tools are Just DevOps Lipstick on an Old Pig

Larry Maccherone discusses the security tool categories that have traditionally been used by development teams, and shows how to evaluate DevSecOps tools. (Presentation)

What’s trending in the DevOps space?

If you want to be the one to answer that question at work read these 11 minutes report. It covers the latest trends and movements in the space: Kubernetes, Chaos Engineering and more.

The InfoQ eMag: DevSecOps in Practice

With this eMag, we present you expert security advice on how to effectively integrate security practices and processes in the software delivery lifecycle, so that everyone from development to security and operations understands and contributes to the overall security of the applications and infrastructure. Download Now.


  1. Joseph (Joe) Armstrong: A Tribute

  2. Rust Evolution in 2019 Will Aim for Maturity

Coroutines Explained

Dmitry Kandalov explains what coroutines are, how they differ between programming languages and how to use coroutines for fun and profit. (Presentation)



The Only Good Reason to Adopt Microservices

Many organizations are plotting a path towards microservices; unfortunately, it’s not clear that they all understand why they’re doing so. People rarely cite the one truly excellent reason to adopt microservices: shipping their org chart. Learn More.

Google Releases New Java Logging Framework

Google announced the release of a new open-source Java logging framework called Flogger that improves upon existing logging frameworks by reducing the cost of disabled log statements, increasing overall readability, and allowing extensibility. (News)



Building Reactive Microservices in Java (By O’Reilly)

Author Clement Escoffier explores the elements of reactive microservices, examines how to create an entire microservices system using stability and resilience patterns to manage failures, and explains how Vert.x works. Download Now.

Re-Platforming Legacy .NET Applications to PCF Using Modernized Techniques

Alfus Jaganathan and Poornima Varadhan discuss strategies, frameworks, libraries, tools and techniques applied to re-platform legacy .NET applications with a 12/15 factors, using modernized techniques. (Presentation)


  1. The Zero Server Web Framework Allows Developers to Create Web Applications with No Configuration

Teaching the Computer to Play the Chrome Dinosaur Game with TensorFlow.js Machine Learning Library

A simple, yet entertaining and useful for educational purpose application of machine learning was recently made available on Fritz's HeartBeat Medium publication. Google's machine learning TensorFlow.js library is leveraged in the browser to teach the computer to play the Chrome Dinosaur Game. (News)

Kotlin 1.3.30 Brings Kotlin/Native and KAPT Improvements, and More

JetBrains has released Kotlin 1.3.30. This version is mainly a new bug fix and tooling update for Kotlin 1.3. Kotlin 1.3.30 brings Kotlin/Native and KAPT improvements, support for more operations for unsigned types and arrays, debugging improvements on IntelliJ IDEA, and more. (News)


Ram Mehta talks about Fresh EBT - a mobile app used by over a million households each month to manage their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits. The Fresh EBT app serves as a pragmatic example of consumer software that seeks to improve government services from outside the government. The talk focuses on the challenges involved with scaling the app nationwide. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 24-26, 2019. Join us!

See what’s new in Architecture including:

  • Designing Distributed Systems with TLA+
  • BBC iPlayer: Architecting for TV
  • Airbnb’s Great Migration: Building Services at Scale
  • And more...



A Reference Methodology for Integration Agility

As APIs, microservices, and serverless architectures evolve, new applications require integration across an exploding set of endpoints. This white paper outlines a meta-process for organizations to refer and become integration agile. Download Now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Experiences from Getting Started as a Lead

Supporting Mental Health in the Tech Workplace

Mental health is heavily stigmatized in our society. People living with mental illness do not want to be treated differently; they may need help and accommodation in specific instances. Nara Kasbergen shares her volunteer work for Open Sourcing Mental Illness: a distributed, volunteer-based, non-profit organization that seeks to change the way we talk about mental health in the tech industry. (Article)

Q&A on the Book Inviting Leadership

The book Inviting Leadership by Daniel Mezick and Mark Sheffield explores how using an invitational leadership approach can increase employee engagement and self-organization. It shows how changing the decision-making process influences culture and can lead to lasting change. (Article)

Blunders in Test Automation

Dorothy Graham discusses several testing blunders, including: Testing-Tools-Test, Silver Bullet, Automating the Wrong Thing, Who Needs GPS, How Hard Can It Be, and the Stable-Application Myth. (Presentation)

Forecasting in Complex Systems

Olga Heismann talks about using Markov forecast the progress of a project with multiple entry points. (Presentation)

No Projects: What the Heck Does It Mean to Switch to a Product Model?

Jon Terry explains the project model, and why it used to make some sense, and compares it to the product, solution, or value stream model, that is in his opinion an increasingly common modern approach. (Presentation)

Working Remotely and Managing Remote Teams

Charles Humble discusses how to decide if remote working is desirable, common pitfalls of remote working and mitigations, techniques for managing remote teams, plus some general advice. (Presentation)

BDD and the New Model for Testing

Paul Gerrard proposes a model of the thought processes that every tester uses which maps directly to the BDD way, helping practitioners understand the BDD collaboration and test process. (Presentation)