
Learn how to seek out potential threats using analytical tools
Dark Reading Webinar
Wednesday, October 26, 2022 | 10AM PT / 1PM ET
John, proactive “threat hunting” is becoming a more common practice for organizations who know it is no longer enough to detect threats and defend against them. Security teams are increasingly taking a more proactive approach --seeking out potential threats using analytical tools. How do these enterprises build threat hunting programs? How do they staff them, and what tools do they need?

Attend this webinar and you'll:
  • Get the fundamentals of a good threat hunting program.
  • Learn tips and techniques for better threat hunting.
  • Find out how the top organizations handle threat intelligence gathering and reporting.
  • Gather resources to help start your own threat hunting program.
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Register anyway and we’ll let you know when it is available  on-demand.
Webinar sponsored by:
Senior Instructor
SANS Institute
Director of Threat Research
Dark Reading
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