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The 24KaratMarketer Ezine
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Greetings Fellow Marketer!
This week's issue of The 24KaratMarketer Ezine is available
online. Here's a run down of what's inside:
~ Volume 15 : Issue 28 : October 20, 2016 ~
Celebrating 15 Years of Publication!
Helping home business entrepreneurs succeed with their online
businesses since January 04, 2001
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** Top Sponsor Ad
** In This Issue
** Publishers' Notes
** Advertise in Multiple Ezines
** Feature Article: Intro to Content Creation for MLM
** Famous Quotes
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** This Week's Featured Video : Content Creation Tools
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Hello Fellow Entrepreneur!
Thank you for being a part of our community! We wouldn't be here without you :). We're finally back! For the past couple of weeks, we've been without a webhost... so, I haven't been able to upload any content to my server... ugh :(. BUT, the new host has figured out all of the issues, and we have moved to a new server and the site should be running even MORE smoothly than ever! So... let's get on with it, shall we?
This week's issue of your favorite ezine has arrived! In this issue, you will learn Content Creation. The last issue talked about building a list. But, what do you do with your list once you've built it? Give it CONTENT! Where do you GET that content? And, how do you make it so that people engage with that content? We will attempt to answer those questions...
So, grab yourself a coffee... sit down in your favorite chair... and read on. This issue of The 24KaratMarketer Ezine will become your blueprint to starting your own profitable home business!
Did you want even MORE information, downloads and resources? Upgrade to our PRO membership and become a MASTER INTERNET MARKETER for a minimal $10.00 a year and gain access to thousands of dollars worth of invaluable tools and information! You will find the link to this on the website sidebar.
As always, have a blessed and prosperous week! Blessed Be - and thank you for being such loyal subscribers!
Read This Week's Issue >>> http://trck.me/414566/
That's All Folks! Enjoy Your Day! :)
See you on the other side,
Have a great week!
The 24KaratMarketer Ezine
N8652 940th St #3 River Falls, WI 54022
Owner-Editor-Publisher ^Michelle Hoffmann^
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