October 2023 DexNews
TokyoDex Brings New Wall Art to Nakano Ward!

ウォールアートで東京中野区を彩る 「中野ミューラルプロジェクト」に参加したTokyoDexは、地域住民の活動の支援を行う鍋横区民活動センターの外壁を彩りました。

TokyoDex participated in the "Nakano Mural Project," adding vibrant colors and new life to the exterior walls of the Nabeyoko Community Activity Center, a cornerstone of local resident engagement. In the initial phase, TokyoDex organized a workshop with local children that blossomed during these sessions. Then TokyoDex collaborated with artist Alessandro Violetti to craft an impressive large-scale mural reflecting input from the kids. Under the theme “A Journey Through Nabeyoko: A Collective Path of the Locals," this mural aspires to become an enduring emblem of the city.

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Talk Event on 10/31 at Shibuya QWS

10月31日に渋谷QWSにて、「インクルージョンを促進させるアートの力」についてのトークイベントを開催します!TokyoDexのクリエイティブ・ディレクターのダニエル・ハリス・ローゼンと共に、以前一緒にプロジェクトを行った慶應義塾大学の三木教授と、JRの星川様を特別ゲストとしてお招きして、多くの組織が直面する「インクルージョン」の課題に対処する方法や、それに対して「アートがどのように活用できるか」など、産・民・官の様々な視点からお話いただきます。ご興味ある方は、下記ボタンより申し込むか、info@tokyodex.com までご連絡ください!(*イベントは日本語のみで行われます。入場は無料です。)

On October 31st, we will be hosting a talk event at Shibuya QWS titled “The Power of Art in Promoting Inclusion.” Our special guests for this event are Professor Miki from Keio University, and Mr. Hoshikawa from JR, both with whom we’ve collaborated on projects in the past. Together with our Creative Director Daniel Harris Rosen, the talk will offer insights from various perspectives—business, society, and government—on how to address the challenges of “inclusion” that many organizations face, as well as the ways in which art can be utilized in this context. If you’re interested, please apply via the button below or contact us at info@tokyodex.com! (*The talk will be in Japanese only. Admission is free.)

Apply here
Exclusive Gathering for Distinguished Guests from Belgium 

TokyoDexは、ベルギーから来日したVIPゲスト向けのイベントを開催しました!イノベーションとテクノロジーのコンサルティングを提供する企業、Nexxworksを通じて来たゲストたちに、会場として活用したSHIBUYA QWSの案内や、TokyoDexのプレゼンを行いました。世界を跨いで活躍する経営者やリーダーたちと繋がり、活発に意見交換をできたことは、TokyoDexが今後さらに世界での活動を広げるにあたってとても貴重な経験となりました。このようなプレゼンやイベント開催にご興味のある方は、ぜひ info@tokyodex.com までお気軽にお問合せください。

TokyoDex recently organized an exclusive event at QWS for distinguished VIP guests hailing from Belgium, brought together by Nexxworks, a prominent innovation and technology consulting firm. The event featured a captivating tour of the state-of-the-art SHIBUYA QWS venue, accompanied by an informative presentation on TokyoDex. This occasion offered us an exceptional opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue and idea-exchange with accomplished executives and thought leaders from across the globe. It signifies a significant stride in our ongoing efforts to broaden our international presence and impact. If you are interested in hosting a presentation or an event with us, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at info@tokyodex.com. We look forward to collaborating with you!

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