October 24, 2017  I   View in Browser

What everyone’s reading this month

There’s a Little Mystery to This Year’s Late Planted Corn  
There’s a Little Mystery to This Year’s Late Planted Corn

It’s more than just the calendar delaying the corn’s maturity, something is making it take more growing degree days (GDDs) than even the maturity rating indicates.

American Farmer Snuffed Out Saddam Hussein

Almost 30 years after Saddam Hussein put a match to 600-plus Kuwaiti oil wells during the Gulf War, Ed Hain lays claim to ending one of the most environmentally destructive war crimes ever recorded.

Ferrie: Combine Monitors Show Strong Yields But Aren’t Reality

Corn growers in Illinois are seeing a repeating theme in fields this fall: big numbers on their combine monitors but whole-field yield averages that aren’t adding up to what they expect.

Jerry Gulke: Initial Harvest Results Support Prices  
Jerry Gulke: Initial Harvest Results Support Prices

The week's negative market reaction, Jerry Gulke, president of the Gulke Group says, is likely because these trade talks have gone on for so long.

Wisconsin Loses Another 54 Dairy Farms in June

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection reports that 54 Wisconsin dairy farms sold out in June. That’s on top of the 78 that left the business in May.

Stolen! Lies, Giant Corn and Theft in the Digital Age

In the October issue of Farm Journal we shared this fantastic picture of extra tall silage standing ready for harvest. It’s a great picture and the picture is real. What isn’t real is the story we were told about it.

Jerry Gulke: Initial Harvest Results Support Prices  
Harvest Dilemma: Do I Store or Sell Off the Combine in 2019?

The decision to sell at harvest or store grain is a tough one every year, but analysts say the decision this year carries even more weight.

Farmers Brace for More Midwest Flooding, Debris Wipes Out Rail Bridge

A Facebook video shows the Norfolk Southern Railroad Bridge in Brunswick, Mo., getting wiped out by raging water. Flooding is now overtaking many farm fields that had just started to dry out from major flooding this spring and summer.

"Combining for Curtis": A Harvest Full of Heart

A farming community rallies around one of their own, after he was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer.

How to Grow Hemp for CBD, Seed or Fiber

Whether growing for seed, fiber or cannabidiol (CBD), hemp producers share a colossal commonality: They are all learning on the go.

Harvest News
Harvest News
Soil Temperature
Soil Temperature
USDA News & Reports
USDA News & Reports



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