Anniversary | Thanksgiving | Build a Pumpkin Racer | Maker Faire
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It's our 1 year anniversary this month and we're really proud of our tool library.

Many of you have contributed tremendously to making this community resource available in Ottawa. Thank you!
We don't have the financial resources to throw a big party (though we LOVE parties), but we wanted to offer you a little thanks.

50% off our OTL t-shirts on Oct. 22nd only!
We're also hosting a mini garage sale Oct. 22nd from 10am - 1 pm where we sell our overstock tools to raise money for the tool library.
Always wondered how to make a race car out of a pumpkin?
We've partnered with the City of Ottawa for their annual Pumpkin Derby Oct. 29th and are offering two workshops to help you get that leading edge:
Sunday Oct 23rd 1-4 pm
Thursday Oct 27th 5-8pm
If you want to volunteer at the workshop, click here.
Find us again at Maker Faire this year where you can win a membership to the tool library.

This will be a fun weekend where you can see what the maker community in Ottawa has to offer.
October 15th and 16th
10am - 5pm
in Aberdeen Pavilion at Landsdowne Park.

Our cooking workshop at Parkdale Food Centre was a roaring success. 10 participants learned how to make delicious wholesome meals with instructions from JoAnn Laverty from Cake Lab

We worked with all local produce, made roasted tomato soup with caramelized onions, a delish veggie stew and donated over 120 meals to the Food Centre. 
If you're interested in our other workshops for older adults, click here.

The tool library will be closed for Thanksgiving weekend,
'cause we want to eat some turkey, too!

Enjoy your holiday!

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