Thank you to the OCW learners who were able to donate yesterday.
Thank you!!
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Dear John,
We are so grateful to the more than 200
OCW learners who were able to donate
Because of their support, we were able to surpass our goal and earn an additional $4,000. This support along with the challenge prize will help:
Sustain OCW’s unique mission of sharing MIT’s teaching materials openly with the world.
Publish updated and new course publications reflecting the entire gamut of instruction and student experience.
Increase the impact of OCW’s publications on learning and teaching around the world.
Raise awareness of OCW’s unique course offerings and resources.
A special thanks to OCW supporter Richard Soley, for believing in OCW and providing the challenge prize.
Joseph Pickett
Publication Director
MIT OpenCourseWare
P.S. If you weren’t able to donate during the Challenge Day, you are in luck! We
appreciate and accept donations on our giving site
, every day and at any time!
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