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MIT OpenCourseWare
Dear John,
As I mentioned in my recent letter, OCW has an ambitious agenda ahead as we keep the publication vibrant, increase our impact through educators, and make OCW mobile friendly. We are already putting plans into action.

In our efforts to sustain OCW, we point to you – our learners – and relay the amazing impact you’ve shared and experienced accessing OCW resources.
Support OCW today. Thanks!
Our fall fundraiser also has an ambitious goal – to get 500 OCW learners to donate at any level and share how OCW has helped them improve their work or personal life or their community. Your feedback multiplies the value of your support.

This is a participation campaign so any donation, no matter the amount, counts. Your story, experience, or reason you believe OCW is worthwhile to fund fuels our efforts in unlocking knowledge and empowering minds everywhere and demonstrates the public good foundations and corporations want to invest in and see.

You can count on us to continue to publish the free and open MIT course materials people use every day. We hope we can count on you to help us reach our fall fundraising goal.

Krishna Rajagopal
Dean for Digital Learning, Open Learning

P.S. An OCW donor recently sent us feedback about what motivated his support.

“Although being a poor student, I’ve chosen to donate to your cause due to the fantastic mission you are doing. By providing so much information and resources freely to access for everybody, greatly aligns with the values with which I’ve grown up with and something I would want many more to benefit.

Coming from Denmark, I’ve always appreciated the opportunity the country gives for people to break out of their social heritage. It gives them the opportunity to live up to their full potential by enabling and encouraging everyone to attend school and, later, university.

As a computer science student, your free resources have made a tremendous difference in my education, by having access to the lectures of the super interesting and engaging professors at MIT. 

I could write much more, but I don’t think there is any doubt that you’re making a huge difference for me, and so many else! Despite my small donation, I hope you will continue to give free access to people in much worse (and better of course) circumstances than me, so they can be inspired to learn even more. 

Best wishes,
Steffen, Student, Denmark
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