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Official EFT
Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist)
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IN THIS ISSUE - For Everyone: (1) Today's Quote, (2) OEFT - The big picture, (3) Articles/Videos to Review, (4) Solid results from a Newbie, (5) NEED MORE HELP?

For OEFT Course Members - ADVANCED: (1) Our next Webinar, (2) Negativity help from Unseen Therapist, (3) Taking the edge off of severe traumas, (4) Q&A from a Member, (5) Practice group reminder.


Today's Quote: "I’m already getting so much love, trust and information from my Unseen Therapist day after day since I’ve started to study your instructions of the OEFT course and your book all over again.

Things are making sense. Now I can’t stop studying and practicing and I think that’s also because it’s the right time for me. Secretly, I’ve been longing for that moment. Joining the OEFT Course has clicked me and got me back on the right track. What a benefit already!"

Magali Roussiere, OEFT Course Member (Details for OEFT Course}


NewThink - Episode 36

OEFT - The Big Picture

Note:  For best results, this NewThink series assumes you have read my free intro e-book, The Unseen Therapist.

From Gary: Our focus with Optimal EFT and The Unseen Therapist is usually aimed at personal healing. Yet the bigger picture is far grander than that and aims us toward world peace. Properly seen, this NewThink idea elevates us toward the Oneness that is our scientifically proven reality. This video expands on this vital concept.


Recommended Previous Articles/Videos To Review

1. From our "Impossible" Healings collection: Dan Paul's "Impossible" relief for asthma and many other ailments

2. From our Questions & Answers collection: Kevin McNeil asks about blood pressure

3. From our NewThink collection: Can I sing a higher note?


Solid Results From A Newbie

Lori Bersch is a beginner having, at at the time of this writing, only read my free e-book, The Unseen Therapist​. As you will see from her letter below, some major doors have opened for her.


Hi Gary,

The Unseen Therapist really resonates with me, it makes me feel like I'm part of a community with much love, something I've never felt before in my life. Last night was my first experience inviting her in, and the results were nothing short of amazing. 

I've been dabbling in self-help for about 35 years. I've read all of Dr. Joe Dispenza's books and his blessing of the energy centers meditations trying to "rewire" my brain and balance my chakras, I've tapped along to videos and tapes from Nick Ortner and The Tapping Solution, I practice yoga on a daily basis and study the yoga sutras, I've read numerous books on trauma and addiction, and have done neuro emotional technique ....just to name a few..... all of this in search of the answer as to why I've been in chronic pain for over 35 years (I'm currently 47).

All of this with no relief, sometimes not even temporary. I KNOW that my physical pain is emotional, and I've had a "list" of pivotal events for a very long time, I just never knew what to do with it! What I experienced last night gave me more relief than anything else that I've ever tried (the list also includes chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, diet/exercise, vitamins, after unremarkable MRI's, Xrays, bloodwork, etc.).

I'm going to proceed with the Optimal EFT Course. As a massage therapist and yoga instructor, I feel that it could even help benefit my clients, students, and my business as a whole, to be free of not only emotional but physical pain. 

Sincerely, Lori



1. Read my  free e-book, The Unseen Therapist, for a solid understanding of our latest advancement, Optimal EFT.

2. Join our  Optimal EFT Course Membership for professionals and self-help students. Taught by me. ln-depth work. Credentials. Touch the World.

3. Become certified through our top-level  Complete EFT Certification program. Enter the upper echelons of the world's most effective healing professionals.

4. Engage one of our highly trained, certified,  Official EFT Practitioners.

5. For more info please visit  The Gary Craig Official EFT Training Centers.




For the Optimal EFT Course Membership

(a paid facility for professionals and self-help students)

Details and pricing for this Membership

Our next Webinar: It will be on Sunday, January 31, at 10am Pacific time. It will be dedicated to Members' questions/comments about our Advanced Lessons, Self-Help Sessions, Challenging cases, personal uses or anything else that will help us climb our Stairway to Miracles.

This will be a prime opportunity to explore your questions and comments. Write to me about them or briing them up at the Webinar.

Topics will include your questions/comments and...

-- Gabrielle Rutten, will introduce her OEFT Boot Camp aimed at chronic physical issues.

--A successful surrogate experiment -- a practice group brings further relief for Brad's bone-on-bone hip issue.

--A session with The Unseen Therapist aimed at major issues behind our "Stubborn Symptoms." This one will focus on Deep Resentments.


Member Rick Daniow's unique 

"Negativity Help" from The Unseen Therapist

Hi Gary. My wife has repeatedly commented about all the negativity I have been exposing myself to from News reports, Facebook, radio call-in shows etc, but I was finding them compelling and it was creating in me a growing negative attitude to everything....I needed to break the cycle, so I asked for help from The Unseen Therapist.

I woke up the next morning with the image of a Flamingo in my head! 

Completely puzzled, I asked The Unseen Therapist what I was supposed to do with this ? She said "the natural colour of a Flamingo is white, but with constantly feeding on shrimp, algae and larva it absorbs the Beta-Carotene from these, and the Flamingo takes on that colour itself....Just as a normal person who constantly feeds on Negative Energies will absorb the Negativity and so turn negative from within." 

Now if I start to feel negativity from anywhere I just say "Flamingo" and move on....Cool eh?  : )



Taking The Edge Off of Severe Traumas

"I guided Marleen through a generalized,
big-picture type Unseen Therapist session"

Marleen's childhood was filled with extreme trauma, including physical, emotional and sexual abuse.

Unfortunately for Marleen, the intensity of these memories was so high that she couldn't even list her specific events without experiencing great pain. This made our Personal Peace Procedure unworkable because each time she would merely bring an event to mind, the remembered trauma would send her into a tailspin.

What to do?

Obviously, we needed to "take the edge off" of these high intensities so she could at least recall them and ask for resolution by The Unseen Therapist. So, I guided Marleen through a generalized, big-picture type Unseen Therapist session wherein we didn't address any specifics or identify any events. This allowed her much greater comfort in participating in the session. The session had two segments wherein we addressed the following...   To read more, login to your OEFT Course Membership Account and, in the left hand menu, click/tap on Tips, Hints & More>Taking The Edge Off Of Severe Traumas.


Question and Answer from a Member

Question: Healing these days are mainly focused on my guilt. There are events where my self talk is like it's all your fault, its all your fault and then it's like I get angry at myself and say that I deserve bad things.

Is this all guilt itself? Or are they two different aspects. I never expected to have this self talk and it's pretty new to me. S.S.

Answer: Many layers show up over time, especially when there are as many major abuses as you have experienced. A young, abused child is almost certain to develop many "It's all my fault" versions of self-talk. The good news is that you are recognizing them.

Consider each incident of this self talk as a specific event and use the Personal Peace Procedure for each one. The guilt and the self-talk will likely subside.


Practice Group Reminder: Our practice group facility regularly offers new opportunities to improve your skills. Please check it out in the Membership section of our website.


Note: Please consult physicians on all medical issues.

e-hugs, Gary

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© Gary Craig 

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Gary Craig, P.O. Box 1393, Gualala, CA, 95445, United States