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Institutions of higher education have welcomed back students across the country with, we presume, plenty of COVID safety rules in place. But whoever thought it would be a good idea to bring a bunch of young people together after months of lockdowns amidst a socially-spread pandemic clearly needs a new job - obviously, they don't know college kids at all. We're not even halfway through September and already massive corona ragers (and we're not talking beer) have hit campuses, and, unsurprisingly, infection rates are spiking. Click through for scenes from the bashes that are going viral - in the worst way possible.
The Chicest Outdoor Restaurants On The Upper East Side
Luxe Loungewear Pieces For A Fancy-Feeling Fall
The NoMad Hotel Debuts Their Stunning Rooftop Restaurant
Inside Andrew Warren's Hamptons Labor Day Party
Your Ultimate Guide To At-Home Skincare
This Zero-Proof Spirit Will Give Your Health A Buzz
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