Hi John,

Thanks for trying FASO. I hope you've had some time to explore and you're enjoying your 30-day FASO artist website trial.

I'm sure you've received a few of our emails already, but I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Dave and I lead marketing at FASO. I may not know you yet, but I'm excited you're here. 

I'm emailing now because I've decided to extend an offer to you. I know 30 days go by quickly. So, if you decide to activate your account now, we'll give you 30 days as a premium member FREE. That's 60 days total - no charge. But as a paying FASO member, you get a few great perks:
Need help activating your account? We've created a step-by-step guide to lead you through the process.

Feel free to reach out if you need help.

Dave Geada

We're here to help.

Reference our support guide if you need assistance or contact us if you still can't find the answers you need.

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