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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

News Headlines

Offer your comment on TJC EM revisions and USP drug compounding chapters

You now have a chance to weigh in on proposed revisions to Joint Commission emergency management standards as well as long-delayed revisions to the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) chapters on sterile and non-sterile compounding.

How to use an early warning system for sepsis in the emergency department

The recent research article, which was published by Critical Care Medicine, describes the results of a randomized, controlled quality improvement initiative conducted at The MetroHealth System in Cleveland. The article features data collected from 598 patients, with 285 patients in the intervention group and 313 in the standard care group. The intervention involved using a sepsis early warning system embedded in the health system’s EHR. The early warning system is based on structured EHR variables used to predict whether a patient will develop sepsis during their hospitalization. The variables include demographic data, vital signs, laboratory results, orders, and comorbidities.

I-PASS reaches major milestones

Handoff process marks five years of success


Failures in communication frequently prompt medical errors, which make up one of the leading causes of death in the United States, behind heart disease and cancer. Patient handoffs present an especially high risk for communication errors. The Joint Commission has found that communication mistakes made during patient handoffs are a root cause for more than two-thirds of the most serious errors that befall patients. In addition, handoff communication errors can lead to financial costs and reputational harm.

To combat these risks, I-PASS has developed methods for improving communication during transitions—and the I-PASS Institute has just celebrated its fifth year using its process. Partnering with more than 100 U.S. hospitals, the I-PASS Institute and the I-PASS Study Group have seen significant successes over the past decade:


Newsletter Articles

HFAP praises performance in PHE, highlights problems in 2020 quality review

Hospitals, clinical laboratories, and ambulatory surgery centers (ASC) accredited by HFAP showed improvements in 2020. Fewer organizations faced repeat deficiencies than in prior years, and there was a strong showing in overall emergency management. There’s always a question about whether accreditation provides measurable added value, says Deanna Scatena, BSN, RN, CCRN, associate program director for HFAP, the oldest of the four hospital accrediting organizations (AO). The ability of hospitals and other healthcare organizations to present a strong showing, she says, even in a year with the burgeoning nationwide COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrates that value.

Locking up before you go: Security and continued operations amid an evacuation

Getting your patients and staff out of harm’s way is always the number one priority during an evacuation, and it might not always be practical to do a step-by-step lockdown of your facility or take all the valuables you need. But if you can do this without putting anyone needlessly at risk, you should. Just because one thing is the top priority doesn’t mean it’s the only priority. Leaving those questions to be decided in the moment is how harm and mistakes occur, says Kurt Patton, MS, RPh, pharmacist, founder of Patton Healthcare Consulting and a former director of accreditation services for The Joint Commission (TJC).


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Product Spotlight

The CMS Conditions of Participation and Interpretive Guidelines

Compliance with the Conditions of Participation (CoP) is required to meet Medicare and Medicaid hospital regulations. While CMS posts updates to the CoPs on its website, they are often difficult to search and lengthy, not to mention tedious to print.

This is where HCPro comes in! We have taken the most recent version of CMS’ CoPs and the corresponding Interpretive Guidelines (IG) and reprinted them in an easy-to-use format to simplify your job. CMS updates the CoPs a few times a year. This new edition contains the most recent CoPs and Survey and Certification memos, which include new requirements on discharge planning, burden reduction, and antibiotic stewardship.

Order now!


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Contact the Editor

Brian Ward, Associate Editor
