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eLearning Program with Natural Language Processing
IBM, 2017/12/28


This is the sort of thing that's coming (though I'm not sure I would trust IBM with a major infrastructure project). According to this website, "Artificial Intelligence allows us to develop advanced learning products that can analyze the learners’ actions and make intelligent choices in order to help you meet your training goals." The site points to a business use case where the AI grades or responds to freeform text input. There's also a lin k to The eLearning Company (the marketing department was on vacation when they picked a name for the company I guess). 

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From Good Intentions to Real Shortcomings: An Edtech Reckoning
Mimi Ito, EdSurge, 2017/12/28


"In 2017," writes Mimi Ito, "reality took a massive swipe at the wobbly optimism of technology progressives." How so? Well, despite things like MOOCs and YouTube we still see digital inequality and gender discrimination. Schools continue to be unequal, open access doesn't seem to promote equity, etc. But instead of the four lessons Ito draws (unite around shared purpose, focus on minorities) I think we need to look at the wider picture. Open and progressive education are necessary, but by no means sufficient, factors in equity. Take away people's livelihood and health care and equity suffers, no matter what else you do. Defund government programs and equity suffers, no matter what else you do. You can't vote for policies that result in inequity - which Americans (and others) continue to do - and expect education and openness to fill the gap. Won't. Happen.

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The New Media Consortium: updates and next steps
Bryan Alexander, 2017/12/28


It's a few days old, but readers may be interested in the process of the dissolution of the New Media Consortium. I still find it somewhat odd that it could go from business-as-usual to bankruptcy proceedings in just a few days. I also find it odd that "a community-driven, grassroots effort to complete the 2018 Higher Ed Hz work could inhibit an orderly shutdown of @NMCorg business." 

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