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OLDaily ~ by Stephen Downes ((56901))

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How our skills support and shape our career
Steven Forth, TeamFit, 2018/01/04


To find the really interesting bit you have to read to the bottom and click on the link at the very end (or just click it here, but why skip the prequel?). Here's the scenario: "we asked a number of people at TeamFit and our sister company Ibbaka to reflect on their careers and aspirations." the result is a series of mind maps of "how one thinks about career success will shape how one thinks about skills." OK, so far as it goes. But the link to one person's skills portfolio along with information about previous projects, connections, and more. It's the closest thing to a personal learning record I've seen out there in the world. Beautifully done. Here's the company. Here's their blog.

Today: 34 Total: 34

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Global HR Trends are Affecting Corporate Learning: It’s time that HR and Learning came closer!
Arunima Majumdar, G-Cube Blog, 2018/01/04


This short article summarizes trends more than it makes the case for moving HR and Ldarning closer together. But the trends are useful. Along with talent acquisition, writes Arunima Majumdar, talent management is a priority, and this means in-house skills development. The workplace is in flux, tech is transforming everything, and younger staff bring a new type of work and learning culture with them. Perhaps most significant: "organisations are seeking the help of third party organizations to handle the administrative duties within the organization. This offers the HR managers the opportunity to take on a more strategic role and focus more on talent management, organizational training, skill-building and so on." Or HR managers might just be let go, with these third parties being left to manage training and development. That couldn't go wrong, could it?

Today: 87 Total: 87

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Beyond the Horizon Report: towards a new project
Bryan Alexander, 2018/01/04


Beyond the Horizon Report, writes Bryan Alexander, "’d like to kick off a process that could lead to a prototype or even a new publication." This of course is not to be confused with the existing Horizon project or report in any way, since these are in bankruptcy court, and through some magical process could be harmed by people talking about what should be done. Maybe the best new thing that could be done is to change the methodology, which yielded mixed results at best. The Horizon Classic used the Delphi process, but New Horizon could use scenario creation, trends analysis, prediction markets, or any number of other methodologies. What would be key, I think, is for New Horizon to be able to draw on the same sources of support that funded Horizon Classic. 

Today: 116 Total: 116

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Taking stock of 2017: What we learned about personalized learning
Luis Flores, Christensen Institute, 2018/01/04


This post reads like a focused issue of OLWeekly, so naturally I like the format. It offers a dozen or so links from different sources, each with a capsule description, on topics related to personalized learnig, and specifically: Competency-based education, Online and blended learning, Personalized learning, and Preparing students for the future. The reports themselves are a mixture of case studies, research briefs, findings and results, and progress reports. 

Today: 105 Total: 105

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