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July 14, 2021
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These departing employees left a whopper of a message
(Twitter/NBC7 courtesy of Rachael Flores)
A sign left by unhappy departing workers outside a Burger King in Lincoln, Neb., has gone viral on social media and reads: "We all quit. Sorry for the inconvenience." Rachael Flores, former general manager at the restaurant, says all employees had resigned, citing issues with long hours, no breaks and a lack of air conditioning in a hot kitchen.
Full Story: MarketWatch (tiered subscription model) (7/13) 
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Recruiting & Retention
C-suite and HR leaders are skeptical about the touted "Great Resignation," expecting as few as 8% of their workforce to resign when pandemic restrictions are completely lifted, with 25% convinced no one will quit, according to Tinypulse and Global Workplace Analytics surveys, respectively. Tinypulse CEO David Niu says employers "have to be super-aware that they may have a leaky bucket, where they're pouring in new talent and losing great talent."
Full Story: CNBC (7/13) 
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Benefits & Compensation
HR managers have more options for mental health apps because of a spike in interest amid the pandemic. Research hasn't fleshed out the benefits of these apps yet, so HR teams must decide "based on their budget, their workforce's unique set of needs, and often on an individual-by-individual basis," write Dr. John Torous and Elena Rodriguez-Villa of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
Full Story: Harvard Business Review (tiered subscription model) (7/12) 
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Path to Workforce
There is currently a resurgence in interest in the national Registered Apprenticeship Program, according to Patricia Morrison, director of the division of registered apprenticeship for the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry. Morrison says there are 1,200 or more occupations that have an apprenticeship model.
Full Story: Governing (7/8) 
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The HR Leader
Olympic sprinter supports pro athlete mothers
Felix (Harry How/Getty Images)
Olympic sprinter Allyson Felix has created a program aimed at supporting other female professional athletes who are balancing the rigors of raising children while training in their sport. Felix is partnering with her sponsor, Athleta, and the Women's Sport Foundation to give grants of $10,000 each to nine recipients, so the women traveling to competitions can get child care.
Full Story: CNBC (7/12) 
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About the Editor
Kanoe Namahoe
Kanoe Namahoe
Track star Allyson Felix isn’t just a champion sprinter, she’s a champion for female professional athletes also, providing funding support to help them with child care as they train and compete in their sports, as we see in today’s HR Leader story. Felix’s program follows similar efforts by US Soccer, which allows players to bring their families on the road with them and provides them with a nanny subsidy to offset childcare costs. (Want a rush of adrenaline? Check out this handoff to Felix who anchors the US team in the 3x100 meter relay. It's at 1:44. Masterful!)

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