(Backgrounds by Craig & Karl for The Washington Post; Photo by Amy King/The Washington Post) Tomorrow is election day—and amid all the vitriol, scandal and nail-biting of this campaign, it's worth stopping to put the past year in some historical perspective. "Division has always been the norm," says Julie Miller, a historian at the Library of Congress. "The United States has, from the start, been large and diverse in terms of economy, climate and culture. The initial colonies, for example, had difficulty understanding how they would even get along." In our very final episode of the Presidential podcast, which comes out early Wednesday morning after the election, we'll reflect on how far the country has come (and not come) in binding up its divisions. We'll also examine how presidential leadership has evolved over the past 227 years since George Washington first assumed the office. And finally, we'll take a look at the president-elect's own leadership style and contemplate the new chapter of American presidential history that's before us. You can look for the final episode here on the Post site the day after the election. Or you can subscribe on iTunes, so it's already on your device as soon as you wake up.
More on presidential leadership: * Who is winning now? The latest results from the Post-ABC News Tracking Poll (The Washington Post) |