10 ways parenting has changed in 10 years; Violence never solved anything (unless you’re 4, when it totally does); Taking your kid to work, Adam LaRoche style; The day I broke the door, and got control of my life; Raising a tween who has autism; The reality of “me” time; Trying to keep from passing my mother’s anger on to my child;
On Parenting
10 ways parenting has changed in 10 years
With nearly 10 years between my first child and last child (with two in between) I often feel more like a grandmother telling first-time mothers with children my baby’s age about what it was like “back then.”
Violence never solved anything (unless you’re 4, when it totally does)
Frankly, I’m not too bothered by the hitting of the walls, or of me (although the fish are getting a little anxious). The hitting that worries me is directed at other kids.
Taking your kid to work, Adam LaRoche style
Adam LaRoche's situation is like a caricature of our lives as working parents.
The day I broke the door, and got control of my life
I was having a really, really bad day. My marriage was crumbling, my husband was angry with me all the time and I hated a whole lot about myself.
Raising a tween who has autism
I am a mother of a 12-year-old girl who is on the autism spectrum. Next year she will begin middle school. I cringe thinking about what that will be like for her.
The reality of “me” time
Two items crossed of my list before noon? I can't remember the last time I was so productive. I am beginning to suspect Me Time is a lot like Regular Time, just vastly more efficient.
Trying to keep from passing my mother’s anger on to my child
Most of the time, my mother’s anger emerged during classic mother-bear moments. But her judgments unsettled me.
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