O Christmas box, O Christmas box: Better than any old toy; Thinking of my friend who died young, looking at my children differently; An overpriced doll and a saucy social network combined to create a Christmas miracle; Why I’m opting out of the Santa myth with my 2-year-old;
On Parenting
Friday Favorites at On Parenting Dec. 16
Our favorite pieces, here and elsewhere, of the week.
O Christmas box, O Christmas box: Better than any old toy
Why do we all flee Thanksgiving dinner to camp underneath neon signs for tablets when we could give our kids office supplies and be done with it?
Thinking of my friend who died young, looking at my children differently
Visiting his parents, I see their loss through new, dad eyes.
An overpriced doll and a saucy social network combined to create a Christmas miracle
What mother wouldn’t spend more than she has allotted to her own wardrobe all year to get a doll with “a bright, multicolored dress, featuring an attached braided belt and braided trim on the straps”?
Why I’m opting out of the Santa myth with my 2-year-old
My problem with Santa isn’t the lying, exactly. It's that the reasons for lying don’t resonate with me.
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