Farmers in North Dakota were busy planting this weekend. But with water still standing in fields, there's the possibility of 1 million acres in prevent plant.
The Role of Electric Vehicles in the Future of Farming
Ford Pro CEO Ted Cannis says “Now we're scrambling for batteries to get up to the 150,000 production rate next year because the demand is overwhelming.”
Diesel prices hit $5.58 a gallon on Friday, smashing another record. With NOAA predicting an above-normal hurricane season, it could introduce more trouble for already short diesel supplies.
From Waterloo to Mexico: John Deere To Move Cab Assembly
"The decision to move cab production ensures the company can balance workforce needs within the tight labor market, while also ensuring Waterloo can open up floor space to manufacture new products," the company says.
Linamar has said its adding Salford to the company is party of its “plans to drive innovation in the food and agriculture sector as part of its 2100 strategic roadmap.”