Let’s celebrate coaching!
International coaching week Special Edition 17/09/20

ICF’s 25th anniversary is an opportunity to celebrate the enormous power and impact of professional coaching. Due to the uncertainty linked to the Covid-19 pandemic and the constraints of social distancing, the Belgian Chapter of the International Coaching Federation has chosen to postpone the day of September 17 to May 2021. In order to maintain the spirit of celebrating the International Coaching Week  in 2020, we offer you a Special Edition of ICW 2020 with an exceptional online conference!

The 21 Skills of Spiritual Intelligence
Spiritual Intelligence is the next step beyond emotional intelligence and the most recent breakthrough in the field of multiple intelligences.
SQ21 provides both an assessment tool and a skill development framework to support those who are ready and willing to transcend the confines of the ego self and bring the best of their mind and the best of their heart to their every day. Defined as 'the ability to behave with wisdom and compassion whilst maintaining inner and outer peace regardless of the circumstances', Spiritual Intelligence supports and enhances all other intelligences. To bring into sharp focus the side of you that knows how to live with courage, wisdom and compassion, is to lead yourself in such a way that others will be inspired to follow.

Simon Blackhall, PCC
Simon Blackhall, founder of ANIMA, is a Consciousness Coach, Keynote Speaker and Teacher. He trained in several coaching modalities and is certified in Creative Consciousness, Clean Language&Metaphors and Spiritual Intelligence. His mission as a coach and teacher is to co-create the expansion and higher for this unfolding world by holding a space of truth and light in which others can come forth.

Practical info:
When: 17/09/20 - 20.00 till 22.00.
Where: GotoWebinar - Receive link as from 12/09/20.
Fee: Free for ICF Belgium member - 15€ for non members.
Note: This framework is faith neutral, faith friendly and atheist friendly. It is not about religion nor beliefs. Your beliefs are your beliefs. SQ21 is about behaviours that matter for personal and professional leadership.

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