Online Day Retreat for International Day of Yoga

Dear Yogi,

In a world that often feels chaotic and uncertain, we're grateful for the tools of yoga that help us to cultivate a quieter mind and make meaningful connections with those around us.

This International Day of Yoga, June 21st, we're hosting a mini-online yoga retreat with YogaEasy - a day full of live yoga and meditation classes to move, feel, breathe and touch our shared humanity. Hopefully by turning our attention to care and love, realising that our similarities are greater than our differences, we will ignite a positive shift in our lives and the lives around us.

The event is donation-based and all proceeds will go to Yoga Stops Traffick, dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and reintegration of trafficked women and children.

We hope to see you there!


The EkhartYoga team.

♡ 6 - 16 April 2025: 100-Hour Yin Yoga Intensive
A journey of self-discovery and professional growth with Esther Ekhart & Marcel van de Vis Heil.

♡ 2 - 6 October 2025: Autumn Wellness Retreat in West Norway
A retreat with David Kam in beautiful Norway. LGBTQ+ friendly with options to hike up breathtaking peaks and spectacular viewpoints.

“Thank you, José! I was not ill but carrying an usually large emotional load last week. This class restored my body, soul, and spirit. Grateful as always for the therapeutic support you offer us. Your classes are a huge part of my continued annual subscription. Thank you again!”

~ Meaghen on José’s class: Replenish your energy