Details of an upcoming live online bitesize event

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How to address toxicology information requirements for biocidal products without vertebrate testing under GB BPR

3 October 2024

HSE will be holding a 2-hour bitesize event on how to address toxicology information requirements for biocidal products without vertebrate testing.


The aim of the event will be to raise awareness of the Great Britain (GB) stance on vertebrate toxicological testing for biocide products and the alternative options available to applicants to meet the information requirements of the GB BPR.


The session will be delivered by HSE regulatory specialists and will help attendees improve the quality of their submissions and understand how these will be reviewed by the GB regulator.


Who should attend?

The event will be targeted at technical and regulatory staff involved in the production and submission of data into the GB biocide product authorisation process.


Topics covered

  • Introduction to the biocidal products toxicology information requirements and Article 62 of the GB BPR
  • How to address the toxicology information requirements for various human health endpoints whilst minimising unnecessary animal testing, including the use of alternative approaches (for example calculation method of the classification, labelling and packaging [CLP] regulation no. 1272/2008 as it applies in GB, bridging/read across, in vitro and in silico methods). The human health endpoints covered will include:
    • acute oral toxicity
    • acute dermal toxicity
    • acute inhalation toxicity
    • skin irritation
    • eye irritation
    • skin sensitisation


Find out more and register for this fee paid workshop


The closing date for registration is 25 September 2024.

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