Dear WSWS readers,

The fifth in the International Committee of the Fourth International's series of online lectures marking the centenary of the Russian Revolution will take place take place this Saturday, May 6.

James Cogan, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party in the Australia, will deliver the lecture, "Lenin's Return to Russia and the April Thesis." The lecture will be broadcast live at 5:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (time zone conversions here).

To listen to the lecture and ask questions, click here at the time of the event.

The sudden eruption of the February Revolution occurred while Lenin was living in exile in Switzerland. In his absence, the Bolshevik Party, led by Stalin and Kamenev, advocated support for the new bourgeois Provisional Government and for the continuation of Russia's participation in the world war.

This course was bitterly opposed by Lenin, who, after his return to Russia in a "sealed train," launched an extraordinary struggle to reorient the Bolshevik Party toward the overthrow of the capitalist government by the working class. The adoption of the strategy of permanent revolution prepared the ground for the socialist uprising of October.

Don't miss this important event! To register for the lecture series, visit

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