Here are six ways Ajit Pai's plan to kill Net Neutrality would harm you.
free press action fund

The FCC’s plan to destroy Net Neutrality would hurt you in six major ways. Chip in $10 or more to save the internet you love.


The FCC is supposed to protect you but under Chairman Pai the agency is bending over backwards to serve corporations at your expense. Here are six ways Pai’s plan to kill Net Neutrality would harm ordinary internet users:

1. It would make it harder to find info about the issues and communities you care about since internet service providers would be able to dictate what you do and see online.

2. It would undermine the Lifeline program, which provides affordable internet access to millions of poor families.

3. It would hurt small-business owners and startups, because without Net Neutrality the biggest companies would be allowed to pay top dollar to have their sites load faster.

4. It would hurt emerging artists because companies like Comcast would be allowed to slap data caps on competitors’ content. And ISPs would be free to choose winners and losers online, which means they’d be free to discriminate — including against artists and activists of color.

5. It would lead to price gouging — making internet access even more unaffordable than it is today, and forcing people to make difficult trade-offs between paying for broadband and paying for other essentials.

6. It would hurt everyone fighting for justice and organizing against the Trump administration’s authoritarian policies — because with Comcast and Verizon in control you wouldn’t be able to speak freely online.

If this plan goes through the internet as we know it will be gone for good. Chip in $10 or more today to fight back.

Chairman Pai and his industry puppet masters — like his former boss, Verizon — have one goal: giving a few giant companies more control over your life. They’re using every dirty trick in the book to get their way and don’t care one bit about the suffering they’ll cause people.

Time is running out and we need to get millions more people engaged in the fight to save Net Neutrality — and put pressure on both the FCC and Congress to win.

We don’t take a cent from business, government or political parties, so your contribution is crucial.

With thanks—

Carrie, Candace, Lucia and the rest of the Free Press Action Fund team

P.S. Donate $10 or more today to stop the FCC from destroying the open internet. Thanks!

The Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. The Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at

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