Online Romantic Birthday Celebration! We met briefly at the Graduation ceremony of my younger brother. He was vivacious, handsome, too rugged and mannish for his age. I couldnt help noticing him every time he moved. I reminded myself reluctantly that I must be at least 3 years older to him but the law of attraction works on its own principle whether you say yes or no, it will still bring the object of your attention to you, no matter what. So it happened, we were seated beside each other for a 4 hours long ceremony. He greeted me warmly. I returned it with my best smile. The deep tone of his voice stayed with me for a long time. He kept making me laugh as we heard the graduation speeches. That night I got a Facebook friend request from him which I gladly accepted. We kept chatting almost every waking hour. Soon we exchanged personal numbers. I am learning a lot of things about him. He is a commercial airline pilot, separated and single, lives with his dog. He hates pans and pots and mostly eats out. He knows all my timings by now and we both keep waiting for each others notifications. I have set up a unique tone for his messages and like Pavlovs conditioned pups, I get all thrilled when I hear the chimes. Read More |