
Session Spotlight: Automating DevOps for Accelerating Software Delivery
Interop Digital | IT Automation Strategy | Register Now!
John, in one short week The Definitive Guide to an Effective IT Automation Strategy virtual event goes live!

We couldn't be more excited for the event - and to get to see our community of IT professionals in one place. That means you! Unfortunately, we’ve noticed your name isn't on the registration list yet. Luckily there's still time to register, but not much.

Don't miss your chance to explore the latest tools, best practices, and pitfalls to avoid before embarking on your own IT automation journey.
By automating much of the DevOps processes, you're now able to squeeze out even more of the costly and time-consuming efforts to both speed up the business and reduce the impact on your budget. In this session, our expert speakers will discuss:
  • How companies can add automation technologies and processes to the DevOps effort without having to disrupt current methodologies or retrain workers
  • The challenges of inserting automation into legacy approaches
  • New ideas for helping your dev teams to handle even more projects Makes “Autonomous Infrastructure” a Reality with its Intent-Based Intelligent Infrastructure Orchestration (iBiioTM) Platform is pioneering the advent of "Autonomous Infrastructure" where artificial intelligence, IT orchestration and workflow automation come together in their Intent-Based Intelligent Infrastructure Orchestration (iBiio) Platform. With a focus on rapid time-to-value, enables some of the world’s largest organizations to accelerate performance and achieve their digital aspirations at scale.
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