What Lenovo's recent announcement means for Linux and the open source community; Windows Terminal: Everything you need to know now
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How open source software vulnerabilities create risk for organizations

Security flaws in open source software have increased and can take a long time to be added to the National Vulnerability Database, says RiskSense.

Additional TechRepublic resources

What Lenovo's recent announcement means for Linux and the open source community

Windows Terminal: Everything you need to know now

Desktop Linux: Open source makes a big stride as Lenovo certifies its workstations for two Linux distros

Fitbit receives FDA approval for the Fitbit Flow, a low-cost emergency ventilator for use during the COVID-19 pandemic

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How to install the Chef Server and Chef Client on Ubuntu 20.04

How to reinstall Linux on your Tuxedo Computers machine using WebFAI USB drive

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