In this issue, November 14, 2023 View it in your browser.

OpenAI DevDay, MySQL 8.2, Tetragon 1.0, Fermyon Spin 2.0, Regulated Cloud, Mojo SDK, WildFly 30, Polly Resilience, Kotlin Multiplatform, Diagrid Catalyst, Kappa Architecture, Civilizational Debt

Platform Engineering at QCon London 2024: Go behind the scenes of leading organizations.

In this track hosted by Daniel Bryant, Co-author of "Mastering API Architecture", Independent Technical Consultant, and InfoQ News Manager, senior software practitioners will dive into how teams building platforms set others up for success, work with their customers, measure their progress, and adapt to new challenges. Find out more.

Explore all 15 tracks at QCon London 2024.

Emergence of a Chief Developer Experience Role

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Alessandro Cauduro about his role as CDXO – Chief Developer Experience Officer. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. MySQL 8.2 Introduces Transparent Read/Write Splitting

  2. AI Researchers Improve LLM-Based Reasoning by Mimicking Learning from Mistakes

  3. OpenAI Announces New Models and APIs at First Developer Day Conference

  4. Microsoft Releases DeepSpeed-FastGen for High-Throughput Text Generation

  5. Jina AI's Open-Source Embedding Model Outperforms OpenAI's Ada

Declarative Machine Learning: A Flexible, Modular and Scalable Approach for Building Production ML Models

Shreya Rajpal discusses declarative ML systems, and how they address key issues that help shorten the time taken to bring ML models to production. (Presentation with transcript included)


  1. eBPF Kubernetes Security Tool Tetragon Improves Performance and Stability

Optimizing Resource Utilization: The Benefits and Challenges of Bin Packing in Kubernetes

Optimizing Kubernetes usage is an important part of a responsible cloud strategy. Bin packing is an effective strategy for maximizing the usage of each node. (Article)

Demystifying Kubernetes Platforms with Backstage

Matt Clarke discusses how Spotify's deployments infrastructure team integrated Kubernetes with Backstage to streamline developer productivity and how you can do the same. (Presentation with transcript included)


  1. AWS Announces European Sovereign Cloud for Government Agencies and Regulated Industries

  2. Fermyon Spin 2.0 Adds Support for WebAssembly Components and WASI Preview 2

  3. Azure Synapse Link for Cosmos DB: New Analytics Capabilities

  4. Microsoft Introduces New Tiers for Its API Management Service in Azure

  5. AWS Unveils Gemini, a Distributed Training System for Swift Failure Recovery in Large Model Training

Distributed Transactions at Scale in Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB supports transactions without sacrificing performance or availability. Akshat Vig explains how DynamoDB introduced TransactGetItems and TransactWriteItems for atomic operations, proving full ACID support in distributed transactions. (Article)

How to Build a Successful Cloud Capability on a Heavy Regulated Organization

Ana Sirvent discusses their cloud capability journey, highlighting lessons learned and best practices on culture, processes and technology. (Presentation with transcript included)

Mojo Language SDK Available: Mojo Driver, VS Code extension, and Jupyter Kernel

Mojo SDK is available for developers. It contains the mojo driver, the Visual Studio Code extension and the Jupyter kernel. For now, SDK is available for MacOS and Linux. (News)


  1. WildFly 30 Gets Ready for JDK 21

  2. Do Gen AI and OSS Regulation Bring Us Further Away from Exiting the Dependency Hell?

Java News Roundup: JHipster 8.0, Implicit Classes and Instance Main Methods, Kotlin 1.9.20

This week's Java roundup for October 30th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, GlassFish 7.0.10, Spring Boot 3.2-RC2, Spring Cloud 2023.0-RC1, Spring Cloud Stream Applications 2022.0, Spring Statemachine 4.0-M1, Spring Tools 4.20.1, Open Liberty 23.0.11-beta, Micronaut 4.1.6, Grails 6.1, TomEE 8.0.16, Infinispan 14.0.20, JHipster 8.0, JHipster Lite 0.47, JReleaser 1.9 and Kotlin 1.9.20. (News)

Polly v8 .NET Resilience Library: Resilience Pipelines, Built-in Telemetry, and More

Polly v8 is officially released. This version brings enhancements such as resilience pipelines, built-in telemetry support, and some changes within the configuration for individual resilience strategies. (News)


  1. Kotlin Multiplatform Reaches Stability

Beyond the Numbers: Decoding Metrics for Assessing Client-Side Engineer Impact

This article will delve into metrics that can be used for assessing the impact of client-side engineers. Our aim is to provide a more comprehensive perspective that can be useful when developing performance assessment guides for organizations building full-stack software, ensuring a more balanced and fair evaluation of engineers’ contributions and impact. (Article)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. AWS Restructures and Consolidates Its Well-Architected Framework

  2. Diagrid Launches Catalyst, a Serverless, Fully-Managed Dapr Offering

Tales of Kafka @Cloudflare: Lessons Learnt on the Way to 1 Trillion Messages

Andrea Medda and Matt Boyle discuss Kafka on the way to one trillion messages, and the internal tools used to ease adoption as well as improve resiliency. (Presentation with transcript included)

Laying the Foundations for a Kappa Architecture - The Yellow Brick Road

Sherin Thomas discusses strategies to evolve Data Infrastructure to enable Kappa architecture in an organization. (Presentation with transcript included)

How Good Companies Can Leverage Agile to Fight Civilizational Debt

Growth, profit, and shareholder value are the cornerstones of today’s economic system, which according to Piotr Trojanowski have proven outdated, reductionistic and not sustainable. He proposes taking the cost of growth into account by using the concept of civilizational debt in agile transformations, and applying agile to realizing humankind's mission through our work. (News)

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