InformationWeek Security
Snowflake Strengthens MFA; Steps CISOs Can Take to Bolster Resilience; Avoiding Jail After a Breach

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InformationWeek Security
July 11, 2024

Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
OpenAI's 2023 Breach Raises Questions About AI Industry Transparency
A hacker was able to take information from OpenAI’s international messaging systems. How could this breach fuel the conversation around transparency in the AI space?

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Snowflake: Admins Can Now Enforce MFA

Cloud firm answers customers' calls to strengthen its multifactor authentication policies, in the wake of over 100 breaches that exploited unprotected Snowflake accounts.
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5 Steps CISOs Can Take to Ensure Resilience

Recovering from a cyberattack is as important as defending against it. Chief information security officers need thorough recovery plans to ensure resilience and win the support of top execs.
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A CISO's Guide to Avoiding Jail After a Breach

Yahoo, Uber, SolarWinds -- increasingly, the government is incentivizing better corporate security by punishing the individuals leading it. Is that a good idea? And how can security pros avoid ending up on the butt end of a lawsuit?
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  • Smart Service Management

    Attend this webinar to get real-life examples of how teams are expediting response time, decreasing team drain, and increasing self-service adoption.

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Electronic Health Record Errors Are a Serious Problem
One of the original goals for electronic health records was to reduce medical errors. Here’s a look at how this developing technology has threatened patient safety -- along with insights from a scary situation my own family recently experienced. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
11 Ways Cybersecurity Threats are Evolving
The cybersecurity threat landscape is getting bigger. InformationWeek takes a look at how security and threats are evolving. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Ways Employees Are Sabotaging Your Cybersecurity Stance
Following are some ways, whether intentional or not, employees can undermine cybersecurity and some advice on how to handle each scenario. Read More

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