In this issue, January 3, 2023 View it in your browser.

OpenAI, K8s 1.26, Spotify Backstage Plugins, Pipeline Quality Gates, Amazon S3 Security, Windows Services, Eclipse Migration Toolkit, Entity Framework 7, Contract-Driven Development, Group Coaching

QCon London 2023 (March 27-29). Early bird pricing extended until January 16.

This March, learn from senior practitioners driving innovation and change in software. Get the practical inspiration and best practices you need to implement emerging software trends directly from senior software developers at early adopter companies.
Book before January 16 and save with early bird prices. Register now!


Monte Carlo

Panel: 2023 Data Engineering Trends and Predictions

In this live webinar and InfoQ-moderated Q&A, data leaders will discuss how they're approaching next year's top data engineering challenges & opportunities. Topics will include building and scaling data platforms, operationalizing distributed environments like data mesh, implementing data quality initiatives, and more. Live Webinar, Jan 19th, 2023 - Save your Seat.

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Kanplexity as an Approach to Tackle Complex Problems

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to John Coleman about using Kanplexity when the problems you face are complex and evolving and other frameworks don’t fit. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Researchers Publish Survey of Algorithmically-Efficient Deep Learning

  2. Meta Releases data2vec 2.0 a High Efficiency Self-Supervised Model

  3. ML.NET 2.0 Release Contains New NLP APIs and AutoML Updates

OpenAI Unveils a Powerful, Cost-Effective, and User-Friendly Embedding Model

OpenAI is introducing text-embedding-ada-002, a cutting-edge embedding model that combines the capabilities of five previous models for text search, text similarity, and code search. This new model outperforms the previous most capable model, Davinci, on most tasks, while being significantly more cost-effective at 99.8% lower pricing. (News)



7 Essentials When Selecting a NoSQL Database-as-a-Service

With the move into the “Zettabyte era,” many are looking at DBaaS options that are deployed in a public cloud and fully managed by a DBaaS provider. This paper outlines 7 key considerations that help teams realize the many benefits a DBaaS has to offer — without falling into some of the common traps. Download Now.

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  1. Learnings from Spotify Mobile Engineering’s Recent Platform Migration

  2. Kubernetes 1.26 Released with Image Registry Changes, Enhanced Resource Allocation, and Metrics

  3. Snyk Announces General Availability of Snyk Cloud and Enhancements to its Platform

  4. Uber Improves Productivity with Remote Development Environment Devpod

  5. Spotify Releases Enterprise Plugin Bundle for Backstage

The Importance of Pipeline Quality Gates and How to Implement Them

A quality gate is an enforced measure built into your pipeline that the software needs to meet before it can proceed. This article covers how to get the maximum benefit from quality gates. Making good use of quality gates not only can improve the quality of your software, but it can also improve your delivery speed. (Article)


  1. Microsoft’s New Memory Optimized Ebsv5 VM Sizes in Preview Offer More Performance

  2. Microsoft Brings Its Cloud Services and AI to the Edge

  3. AWS Announces Upcoming Security Changes in April 2023 for Amazon S3

AWS Announces GA of DocumentDB Elastic Clusters

At the recent re:Invent conference, AWS announced the general availability of DocumentDB Elastic Clusters, a service that manages the elasticity and sharding for MongoDB workloads. (News)


  1. OCaml 5 Brings Support for Concurrency and Shared Memory Parallelism

  2. Google Releases Open-Source Vulnerability Scanning Tool

  3. Using Code Instrumentation for Fault Injection at the Application Level at eBay

The Service and the Beast: Building a Windows Service that Does Not Fail to Restart

Windows Services play a key role in the Microsoft Windows operating system, and support the creation and management of long-running processes. When  “Fast Startup” is enabled and the PC is started after a regular shutdown, though, services may fail to restart. The aim of this article is to create a persistent service that will always run and restart after Windows restarts, or after shutdown. (Article)


  1. Eclipse Migration Toolkit for Java (EMT4J) Simplifies Upgrading Java Applications

  2. Java News Roundup: Spring Cloud 2022.0.0, Introducing SourceBuddy, Jarviz and Just

Securing a Kafka Cluster in Kubernetes Using Strimzi

Deploying an Apache Kafka cluster to Kubernetes is easy if you use Strimzi, but that’s only the first step; you need to secure the communication between Kafka and the consumers and producers, provide RBAC to access topics, spread the secrets correctly to Kafka Connect components and all using a Kubernetes GitOps way. (Article)


  1. .NET MAUI Framework and .NET MAUI Community Toolkit Updated for .NET 7

Entity Framework 7 Brings Bulk Operations and JSON Columns

Version 7 of Entity Framework (EF) Core, Microsoft's object-to-database mapper library for .NET Framework, was released in November. The updated version brings performance updates when saving data, allows JSON column operations, enables efficient bulk operations, and contains many minor fixes and improvements. The EF7 Core is available for both .NET 7 and .NET 6. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Cloudflare Servers Share IP Addresses for Egress Traffic

Microservices Integration Done Right Using Contract-Driven Development

Build your microservices and micro-frontend in parallel and deploy them independently without worrying about integration issues, by leveraging API specifications such as OpenAPI and AsyncAPI as executable contracts to shift left the identification of compatibility bugs with Contract Driven Development using Specmatic, thereby removing the need for integration testing. (Article)

Examining the Past to Try to Predict a Future for Building Distributed Applications

Mark Little looks at some core concepts, components and techniques in reliable distributed systems and application building over the years and tries to predict what that might mean for the future. (Presentation with transcript included)
Software Delivery Practices Evolve Fast, So Should Your Learning. Attend QCon London software development conference (March 27-29, 2023) and uncover emerging software trends & practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches.

How Starling Built Their Own Card Processor

Rob Donovan and Ioana Creanga discuss what happens behind the scenes when one pays with a card, and how Starling built their own card processor, integrating traditional hardware with microservices. (Presentation with transcript included)

How SeatGeek Successfully Handles High Demand Ticket On-Sales

Anderson Parra and Vitor Pellegrino discuss how their ticketing systems work and cover the virtual waiting room – the primary component that allows them to handle high-traffic ticket on-sales. (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Helping Teams Deliver with a Quality Practices Assessment Model

Group Coaching - Extending Growth Opportunity beyond Individual Coaching

This article provides an introduction to group coaching and explains how it is different from individual coaching. It sheds light on the benefits of using group coaching, skills that coaches would need and the challenges they would face, with an example scenario using one of the group coaching techniques, and describes the context in which such a technique can be used. (Article)

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