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OPTC Board Newsletter – September 2021
OPTC Friends,  here below please find several updates on current and pending Club news:

Court #4 Fence Damage

  • We are finalizing reimbursement from our insurance company, and we have retained a contractor, with plans to fix the damaged fencing in early November (so there is no impact to playability of Court 4).

Collegiate Invitational coming to OPTC on September 10th & 11th

  • OPTC hosted another great Collegiate Invitational on Sept. 10th and 11th. There were eight teams competing in the event, and this year's group included Northern Illinois, Univ. of Illinois-Chicago, Illinois State, Eastern Illinois, Saint-Louis Univ., Xavier, Youngstown St., and Washington University.
    Thanks to John Griffin of RFTC for his year-round efforts to make this fun invitational occur, and special thanks to our OPTC Site Coordinators for their efforts to operationalize this event.  Dave Wilson, Joe Costigan, Steve Chertok, and Dwight Atchley; many thanks to the four of you for your hard work and facilitation of a great event!

Water Well and Clubhouse Foundation Leveling Projects

  • Our final Permit application has been submitted to the Cook County Building and Zoning department, and as soon as this Permit is approved, we will begin the drilling of the Well.
    Thanks again for your generous donations!!
    If you would like to contribute to this expense-saving project (and environmentally conscious utilization of a natural resource), please utilize the link below to contribute. 
  • The Forest Preserves of Cook County are scheduling the reductions of the soil level along the west side of our Clubhouse, and we will then schedule the foundation repairs to be completed this year.
OPTC Water Well Donation

Crosstown Classic

  • On September 12th the annual Crosstown Classic between OPTC and RFTC took place.  Teams were assembled on short-notice (and we commit to improving the opportunities to participate in 2022), and while we fielded strong mixed-doubles teams, the results favored RFTC by a match score of 11 to 6.  In follow-up discussions with RFTC we are considering purchasing a trophy to pass back and forth in the future (or just keep at OPTC by winning each season)!
    Special thanks to Keith and Cindy for arrangements, and Brad and Karie for the great food!

SW corner gathering space and Bike Rack area upgrade

  • The OPTC Board is continuing to assess the southwest corner space, with plans to clean, resurface, and reorganize the space for more robust social-gathering and bike storage. 
    Two trees in the area have been removed, and the remaining tree hanging over Court 1 has been pruned.  We are gathering design proposals from local landscape companies, and we are analyzing various designs to best utilize the space.  More to come!!.

End of Season Tennis, Food, and Fun Event

  • Mark your calendars – Saturday, October 23rd, OPTC will host an end of season event.  More details to come, but plan on food, fun, tennis, and a toast to a great season at OPTC!

Open Board Meeting Session

  • The next OPTC Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 26th, and the Board will allow any interested Season Pass Holders to ask questions or provide input during the first 30 minutes of the meeting.  Members are allowed from 6-6:30pm before the Board continues their meeting.  As always, any suggestions, comments, or questions can also be submitted at any time via info@oakparktennis.com

Get Out and Play!

  • The weather has been great lately, so please continue to come out and play!!
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