Options Insider Broker Madness
Let the people decide The Options Insider was dreaming of a way that we could make March Madness even more special for our audience, and then it hit us. Let the people decide! This is a democracy, right? So we decided to take the best of a big election year and the best time in college sports (ahem, a KU alum might be on staff) and put them together. And so, we bring you the first ever Options Insider Broker Madness. How does it work? We picked the top 16 options brokers. You pick from there. Throughout the tournament you will make your voices heard! You vote on the broker match ups, and the victor will move on to the next round. Register your votes here: - Twitter: @Options
- Take the poll!
- PLUS, every time you like or share the poll of the day, you will be entered into the drawing
- Facebook: Facebook.com/TheOptionsInsider
- Every time you send us a message with your pick for the day, you will be entered into the drawing
- Email: Questions@TheOptionsInsider.com
- Every time you send us an email with your pick for the day, you will be entered into the drawing
- StockTwits: StockTwits.com/OptionsInsider
- Every time you send us a message with your pick for the day, you will be entered into the drawing
Whoa! That's a lot of ways to enter. Yes, it is. But this is Chicago, where we encourage you to vote early and often. The prize: Democracy! We’re still figuring it out, but will include an Amazon gift card, Kindle Fire, Options Insider swag, and more. And we’ll work on bringing a major Duomo from the winning firm onto a live show for your questions and comments. Voting dates First round: - March 15 (Two match-ups)
- March 16 (Two match-ups)
- Mach 17 (Two match-ups)
- March 18 (Two match-ups)
Second round: - March 21-22 (Two match-ups)
- March 23-24 (Two match-ups)
Third round: Final round:
Winner announced LIVE on the April 4 Option Block (and on FB, TWTR after it records) It’s time to let your voices be heard, Insider |