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Mike Adams Organic Coconut Milk Powder is one of nature's best non-dairy milk alternatives
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Groovy Bee Organic Coconut Milk Powder

There are many plant-based dairy substitutes available on the market today but none of them can match the unadulterated goodness of organic coconut milk. In addition to its delicious flavor, organic coconut milk powder is packed with nutrition. It is low in carbohydrates but high in MCTs, electrolytes and essential nutrients. However, organic coconut milk does not stay fresh for long. Fortunately, it can easily be transformed into a convenient and versatile powder form for easy, long-term storage.

Here at the Health Ranger Store, we are thrilled to bring you our convenient and versatile Groovy Bee Organic Coconut Milk Powder, the perfect healthy alternative to dairy milk. The ideal, delicious and nutritious food item to elevate your soups, stews, coffees or other beverages, our organic coconut milk powder can easily be incorporated into many recipes. It can also provide a great source of nutrition during SHTF situations. Our organic coconut milk powder is packed with medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), protein, iron and electrolytes such as potassium, calcium and magnesium that support good health.

Experience the health benefits of one of Mother Nature's best non-dairy milk alternatives with Groovy Bee Organic Coconut Milk Powder. Available in handy 12 oz. pouches for long-term storage, our organic coconut milk powder is non-GMO, non-China, non-gluten and certified organic. Moreover, it has been thoroughly lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.

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* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

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