GreenMedInfo Daily Newsletter July 16th, 2024 |
Hi John, Do you try to eat mostly organic food? We do!
It was shocking to discover that even if you eat 100% organic, many organic foods like cereal, instant oats, chickpeas, hummus, and bread contain the toxic-weed killer glyphosate! When you’re exposed to glyphosate it sticks around in your body for weeks, bioaccumulating in your cells.
As you can imagine, a substance as nasty as glyphosate is toxic to every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. And it’s especially hard on your liver.
It’s no surprise then that as the use of glyphosate has soared (it’s the most common weed-killer in the world), millions of people are now being diagnosed with fatty liver.
You may be wondering: “How the heck is glyphosate in my organic food?!”
After all, the USDA’s organic certification program guidelines forbid spraying glyphosate on organic crops.
So why are more and more organic crops testing positive for glyphosate?
There are two main reasons:
First, because of “cross-contamination” which is when organic foods get exposed to glyphosate through drift (wind), contaminated water, equipment, food contact surfaces, and more.
This is a much bigger problem than most people realize.
According to researchers at AGQ Labs, the leading chemical analysis group, countless organic products could be contaminated with glyphosate.
Second, because of human error, incompetence, and greed. |
In 2021, the Environmental Working Group sounded the alarm that a brand of organic chickpeas and hummus carried by Kroger grocery stores tested positive for glyphosate.
Lab tests revealed that these “organic” chickpeas had glyphosate levels that far exceeded the EPA’s legal limit for glyphosate on conventionally-grown chickpeas.
In other words, these so-called organic chickpeas were way more toxic than the conventionally-grown ones!
The USDA stepped in and that’s when the finger-pointing started.
A Kroger’s spokesperson blamed the certification organization. The suits at the certification organization blamed the farmers. And round and round it went.
But whether this problem was caused by error, incompetence, or plain old greed, the fact remains:
People thought they were eating a healthy organic product. But in reality they were consuming sky high levels of glyphosate.
Does that mean we should give up on eating organic?
We don’t think so.
Studies show that switching to an all-organic diet can reduce the amount of glyphosate in your body by a whopping 70% in about a week. But even if you’re eating an all organic diet, you’re still being exposed to glyphosate and other toxins.
That’s why Wendy Myers starts every morning with this quick and easy “detox cocktail” - Myers Detox Daily Detox.
From the very first sip you’ll be flooding every cell, tissue, and organ in your body with 29 of the best detoxifying, energy-enhancing superfoods in the world.
This Daily Detox supports healthy liver function (so you can flush out glyphosate and other toxins fast)... You’ll feel a big boost of energy and mental clarity once you start drinking this daily. |
You’re being exposed to more glyphosate and other toxins like heavy metals than you probably realize.
Do nothing, and these nasty toxins will just keep piling up in your cells, tissues, and organs.
And your fatigue, brain fog, achy joints, allergies, and other symptoms will continue getting worse.
You don’t deserve that.
Myers Detox Daily Detox is offering the GreenMedInfo community UP TO 50% OFF their energy-boosting detox cocktail. Enjoy while supplies last. To better health, The GreenMedInfo Team P.S Once you purchase Myers Detox Daily Detox you will receive FREE BONUS as you see below. |