January 4, 2018 Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Join us on LinkedIn

OSHA: Facilities should safeguard against winter hazards

During last weekend's nationwide chill and a few days before Winter Storm Grayson plowed through the Northeast, OSHA urged employees involved in snow removal and cleanup, and other workers who will spend extended periods of time outdoors, to take precautions to limit their exposure to serious hazards in nasty winter weather.

Newsletter Articles

HFAP reports most-cited standards, suggestions for improvements

The Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP) has released an annual quality report that lists the most commonly cited standards found during its 2016 surveys. The first annual HFAP Quality Report is being touted by the group as the first of a planned annual compilation and review of data from surveys conducted the prior year — much like the reports that hospitals have come to expect from other accreditors such as The Joint Commission.

Your action plan: What to do when OSHA comes knocking

A surprise inspection is among the most feared things in a safety officer’s job. It need not be with these tips.

CMS memo to clarify ligature risk policy sets stage for more guidance later

Assess all patient care areas in behavioral health units and psychiatric hospitals for possible ligature points and be prepared to do what it takes to correct problems or have an interim safety measure in place to avoid a finding of immediate jeopardy (IJ) by CMS.


Marketing Spotlight

Analyzing the Hospital Life Safety Survey, Third Edition

Your facility is explored from top to bottom for life safety compliance when life safety surveyors arrive on-site. Beat them to the punch with assistance from Analyzing the Hospital Life Safety Survey, Third Edition by doing your own in-depth analysis of your organization. Visit HCMarketplace to learn more!


Editor's Pick

Try to run, try to hide: Some random thoughts to open the 2018 Physical Environment campaign

January 4, 2018


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Matt Vensel
Associate Editor
Hospital Safety Insider

75 Sylvan Street, Suite A-101
Danvers, MA 01923

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