October 14, 2016

Our 20 Best-Ever Pasta Recipes

As if we needed a reason to eat more pasta, Oct. 17 marks a very special day for pasta-lovers all across America: National Pasta Day.Pasta Day falls smack dab in the middle of October (aka Pasta Month) and celebrates the versatile ingredient Thomas...Read More

7 Eerie True Stories of Lost Cities and Civilizations

Despite the fact that no one alive today has been around for more than 117 years, historians have nevertheless been able to discover extensive information about hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands of years of human history through...Read More

Do This to Banish Dreaded Cellulite

We are constantly inundated with stereotypical images of beauty —‚ flowing hair, luscious skin, tight builds — and as a result of our constant exposure to airbrushed billboards and magazine covers, any physical feature that deviates from this...Read More

13 Things You Didn’t Know About Halloween

Halloween is one of the most popular holidays in America. We all prepare for it weeks in advance, planning and buying our costumes, decorating our home (inside and out), stocking up on all the candy, and carving pumpkins as scary as our artistic...Read More

This Chemical Could Make You Invincible to Ghost Peppers — But You Can't Buy It

Just imagine how impressive it would be to be able to eat raw ghost peppers — one of the fieriest of all chiles, as much as 10 times hotter than habaneros — by the mouthful. Spectators would look on with wonder, and you would undoubtedly become an...Read More

These ‘Healthy’ Vegetable-Spiked Brownies Are Actually Delicious (And These Aren’t)

In a bid to enable ourselves to eat more brownies, and to not feel too guilty about doing so, we’ve been following the trend of vegetable-spiked brownies rather intensely. Initially it seemed hard to believe that a brownie which contained a single...Read More

It's Soup Season! Here’s Our 50 Best Recipes

Turn on those ovens! Fire up the stove! Tis the season to begin roasting, baking, and feeling the comfort of heat in the kitchen.Summer is over and fall is finally here. With the changing season, cold weather apprehension has turned to romantic...Read More

15 Frighteningly Good Sweets That Beat Trick or Treating

It’s the spookiest month of the year with Halloween just around the corner. The sun may be settling down earlier, but that’s no reason for us to. Extend the evening with a dessert that delights and intrigues you.  Whether you’re...Read More

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