Watch our bite-sized classroom strategies all in one place.
George Lucas Educational Foundation
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Dear Edutopia community, 

Our documentary producers have visited schools around the country (and world!) for more than 25 years, making and sharing videos that capture schoolwide practices and offer a real-life window into what works in education. About seven years ago, we realized that we were leaving lots of good approaches behind: Everywhere we went, we saw teachers using bite-sized strategies to support their larger ones.

Recognizing how easily these quick hits could be implemented in the classroom—and their value for learners—we started gathering ideas from the teachers we were filming. A new kind of video was born: the 60-second strategy. 

Since then, we’ve made more than 30 videos that break down effective classroom practices for every grade level in literally one minute. It’s one of our most popular and beloved video collections. And now, you can find every 60-second strategy video all in one place!

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We encourage you to bookmark this page and share it. And know there will be more to come as we continue documenting the great work you do. Wishing you, your students, and your colleagues the best as you head into October.  


Amy Erin Borovoy
Director of Video

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George Lucas Educational Foundation
P.O. Box 3494 San Rafael, CA 94912-3494