

Unreservedly European

In his book, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, President of the Robert Schuman Foundation and one of the best specialists on European issues, freely addresses his fellow citizens who should reject the French lies regarding the European Union while contributing relentlessly to improving it. Because in Europe it is always the ideas of the Great Nation that lead the way: Europe is something more for France and the French, nothing less.

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The Permanent Atlas of the European Union

The new edition of the Permanent Atlas of the European Union, a unique work produced by the experts of the Robert Schuman Foundation, offers a complete and easily accessible view of the European Union, the euro zone and each of its 27 Member States. It summarises the essential history and political and statistical realities of the Union and offers more than 50 physical and geopolitical maps of Europe.

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When France honours Europe

The French have re-elected Emmanuel Macron as President of the Republic, who has triumphed over the far right by offering his compatriots a vision that goes beyond the simple national framework. Europe now has a French president who is active and clear, in command and credible, strong and committed," said Jean-Dominique Giuliani.

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Essential Europe

The Russian war in Ukraine and the management of Covid-19 in China are further proof that European integration promotes a more civilised, less violent and more united society. This precious asset is at stake in the French election," emphasised Jean-Dominique Giuliani, who hoped that the French would take stock of their responsibility.

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The Right of the People

In the discussions to end the war in Ukraine, it should not be forgotten that only the Ukrainians will decide on their future and that they will have strong and legitimate demands to ensure that the Russian aggressor does not return, reminds Jean-Dominique Giuliani

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Strategic Dependencies, a question of sovereignty

The war in Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia highlight the economic and financial power of the West but raise the question of external vulnerabilities. Beyond hydrocarbons, the European Union is becoming aware of the need to secure raw materials and technologies.

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Reception of Ukrainian refugees: between emergency responses and long-term solutions

More than a quarter of the Ukrainian population has been forced to leave their homes as a result of Russian aggression. Faced with the largest population movement on its territory since the Second World War, Europe quickly implemented a series of humanitarian and refugee reception measures.

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From the Russian Pact to the Green Deal?

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has revived the issue of energy security and lent credence to the idea that renewable energy can benefit both climate and security. However, it would be excessive to equate transition with energy independence. According to Gilles Lepesant, we need to rethink our interdependence with our various suppliers.

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World Food Crisis: between withdrawal and responsibility, Europe has to choose

The war in Ukraine is jeopardising the world's supply of grain and fertiliser. For the European Union, the world's leading agricultural power, the situation calls for a rethink of its policies, which could result in production cuts at a time when global needs are increasing. For Emmanuelle Ducros, between withdrawal and responsibility, Europe must choose.

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Emmanuel Macron is re-elected as President of the French Republic

Emmanuel Macron was re-elected President of the French Republic on 24 April, with 58.54% of the vote against Marine Le Pen (41.46%). The abstention rate was 28%. This is the first time that a French President has managed to be re-elected outside the so-called cohabitation period.

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Robert Golob’s Movement for Freedom wins the general elections in Slovenia

The Movement for Freedom (GS), led by Robert Golob, won the Slovenian parliamentary elections on 24 April, with 34.5% of the vote and 41 seats out of 90 in parliament. It beat the Democratic Party (SDS) of outgoing Prime Minister Janez Jansa, which obtained only 26.3%.

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Viktor Orban wins for a fourth time in a row in the general elections in Hungary

The Alliance of Young Democrats-Civic Union (FIDESZ-MPSZ), led by outgoing Prime Minister Viktor Orban, won a large victory in the parliamentary elections held in Hungary on 3 April. The party garnered 53% of the vote and won 135 seats (+2 compared to the previous elections in 2018), maintaining its two-thirds majority. The opposition alliance United for Hungary, led by Peter Marki-Zay, obtained 35.04% of the vote and 56 seats (-10).

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Health measures and travel conditions in Europe

Most of the health measures introduced during the winter have been lifted in the European Union. In Italy, the health pass is no longer required for any activity but the wearing of an FFP2 mask remains compulsory until at least 15 June, in transport, cinemas, theatres, hospitals and schools. In Greece, until 31 August, masks are no longer required and vaccination certificates are no longer required in restaurants, bars and shops. In Spain, Covid-19 is now considered as influenza. To find out what the situation is in the Member States, the Foundation offers you a complete map of the measures in place. An indispensable, regularly updated resource.

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European Recovery Plan Map

In response to the economic and social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, the EU has set up a €672.5 billion recovery fund, called the Recovery and Resilience Facility, for Member States in the form of grants and loans. 24 plans have so far been approved by the Commission, 21 countries have received the planned pre-financing, and 4 countries have received a first instalment after meeting a series of targets, including Italy, on 13 April for a total of €21bn. The Commission has not yet approved the Hungarian and Polish plans because of the infringement of the rule of law. The Foundation offers you an interactive map of the plan country by country, to learn about the amounts, schedules and priorities.

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French election special

Hague Corporate Affairs organised, in partnership with the Franse Kamer van Koophandel in Nederland, a series of debates in which Jean-Dominique Giuliani participated as a speaker on the subject of France's role in the debate on European defence policy

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Europe seem from France-Germany – a Franco-German podcast

In the first episode of the podcast series "Europe seen from France-Germany - a Franco-German podcast" produced by the Robert Schuman Foundation and the Hanns Seidel Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani and Michaela Wiegel, the Paris correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, analyse the major issues at stake during the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union

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Central banks risk plunging the West into recession

Emmanuel Sales, a member of the Foundation's Board of Directors, has written an opinion piece on the risks of a tightening of monetary policy

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Marine Le Pen defeated: " We can speak of a defeat for populism in Europe"

Marine Le Pen defeated: " We can speak of a defeat for populism in Europe"

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"Emmanuel Macron considered the true president of the European Council"

In an interview with Gilles Sengès, Jean-Dominique Giuliani points out that "the weight of President Emmanuel Macron on the European scene is underestimated".

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External trade, political business

Anne-Marie Idrac, a member of the Foundation's Board of Directors, has written an opinion piece on the recovery of our international trade.

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War in Ukraine

The new arms race

Eric Maurice was one of the guests on Mag Inter to discuss the arms race in Europe in the light of the war in Ukraine.

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Mariupol: the time for macabre discoveries?

Pascale Joannin was one of the speakers on LCI Midi to talk about investigations into possible war crimes in Ukraine.

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The return of political and geopolitical risk, what consequences for asset allocation?

Jean-Dominique Giuliani was interviewed about European progress since the beginning of the war in Ukraine.

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War in Ukraine: Ursula von der Leyen and the Europeans in Kyiv, simply symbolic visits?

Eric Maurice was interviewed about the visit of EU representatives to Ukraine and the EU accession process.

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Ursula von der Leyen in Ukraine

Pascale Joannin was asked about Ursula von der Leyen's visit to Ukraine and her message of support for Ukrainians.

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Kyiv wants arms

On the set of LCI Midi, Pascale Joannin was asked about the situation in Ukraine and the Ukrainian president's request to send military equipment.

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Bucha: Moscow denies and accuses in turn

Pascale Joannin spoke on LCI Midi about European reactions to the situation in Ukraine and the discovery of possible war crimes in Bucha

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Putin: what sanctions in the wake of horror?

Jean-Dominique Giuliani was invited on the programme ''C dans l'air'' to talk about the situation in Ukraine and the European sanctions against Russia.

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Guest on « Le Matinale »

Jean-Dominique Giuliani was guest on La Matinale morning show to talk about the European sanctions against Russia.

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The war in Ukraine

In the Europe Soir Week-end programme, Jean-Dominique Giuliani discusses the causes of the war in Ukraine and the EU's possibilities to support the Ukrainians.

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French Presidential election

Much expected of French President Emmanuel Macron regarding Europe and Ukraine

Following the re-election of Emmanuel Macron as French president, AFP published an article on the challenges ahead in which Eric Maurice, head of the Foundation's Brussels office, is quoted.

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Emmanuel Macron elected for a second term: "a strong message for Europe"

Eric Maurice was interviewed on European reactions to the re-election of Emmanuel Macron.

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Significant victory for Brussels: France and Slovenia back pro-EU leaders

Eric Maurice was asked about the re-election of Emmanuel Macron as President of the French Republic and his priorities at European level.

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Between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, the big European gap

In an article on the French presidential election, Eric Maurice looks at the perception from Brussels of the two candidates' European programmes.

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A policy that would force France out of the European family

Pascale Joannin, Managing Director of the Foundation, was asked about the consequences for France's place in the European Union in the event of Marine Le Pen's election.

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Emmanuel Macron’s Europe vs. that of Marine Le Pen

In an article, Eric Maurice looks at the fundamentally different European ambitions of the two participants in the second round of the French presidential election.

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Relief tainted with concern in Brussels

In an article on the French presidential election, Eric Maurice looks at the possible scenarios of the second round and their consequences at European level.

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European News

Conference on the future of Europe: 300 proposals, and what now?

For an AFP article, Eric Maurice analyses the follow-up to the Conference on the Future of Europe after having collected 300 proposals from European citizens.

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The conference on the future of Europe comes to a close

Eric Maurice was interviewed on the final stretch of the Conference on the Future of Europe which will end on 9 May.

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With the war, relations between Warsaw and Brussels are thawing

Eric Maurice was asked about the rule of law in Hungary and Poland.

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Rule of Law: the EU launches the procedure which might deprive Hungary of European funds

Eric Maurice is quoted in an AFP report on the European mechanism that allows the suspension of EU funds in case of violation of the rule of law.

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Inflation in Europe

Pascale Joannin was invited on the Smart Job show to talk about rising inflation in Europe.

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Foundation News

Think Tank Review

The Council took stock of the work of the think tank in April which included a study by the Foundation: “European unilateralism as a tool for regulating international trade: a necessary evil in a collapsing multilateral system” by Alan Hervé

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Think Tank report on the invasion of Ukraine

The Council published its Think Tank report on the invasion of Ukraine in which two Foundation studies figure: "Reception of Ukrainian refugees. Between emergency responses and long-term solutions" by Ramona Bloj and Stefanie Buzmaniuk and "The Eastern Partnership under the test of war in Ukraine" by Pierre Mirel.

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Launch of the 4th version of the Valéry Giscard d’Estaing prize

The legal news magazine “Le Petit Juriste” has announced the launch of the 4th edition of the Valéry Giscard d'Estaing Prize in which the Robert Schuman Foundation participates.

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To protect our security, let’s strengthen Frontex

The text "Frontex and the European Border and Coast Guard » from the Schuman Report 2021 was mentioned in an article regarding security in Europe.

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Taken up by the press

Has Europe’s Hour Come?

Reference is made to the European Issue "Has Europe’s Hour come?" published by the Foundation.

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Publishing Director: Pascale JOANNIN

The Robert Schuman Foundation, created in 1991 and acknowledged by State decree in 1992, is the main French research centre on Europe. It develops research on the European Union and its policies and promotes the content of these in France , Europe and abroad. It encourages, enriches and stimulates European debate thanks to its research, publications and the organisation of conferences. The Foundation is presided over by Mr. Jean-Dominique Giuliani.

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