Our activities in December 2023

Publications :

Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2023
22,00€ - paper
Shop | Europe has changed... This is what the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2023" shows, as it analyses the profound changes that have taken place in Europe, which have been accelerated by the shock of the war in Ukraine. This 17th edition, published by Marie B., includes 19 contributions by some key figures. The book includes 30 original maps and a full set of commented statistics. The book is available in digital format. You can order it here.

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Editorials :

When Ukraine turns to the West


Previous enlargements have enabled entire societies, whose development had ground to a halt under totalitarian domination, to take the road to democracy, modernity and prosperity, as no other example in the world is capable of doing," writes Jean-Dominique Giuliani after the European Union's decision to open negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova.
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Ukraine: Europe’s responsibility


In the absence of a foreign policy at its borders, the European Union can only respond to the demands of peoples who are resolutely turning towards our values and standards by enlarging its borders. Its moral and political duty is to open its arms to these Europeans," writes Jean-Dominique Giuliani.
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Taken up by the media:

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Schuman papers :

Ten urgent Franco-German issues for Europe


From research to defence, from energy to foreign policy, former German ambassador Joachim Bitterlich offers some pointers for tackling today's challenges.
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A comparative look at antitrust regulation of the digital economy in Europe and China


Analysis of the Chinese and European experiences shows that it is possible for states with different political regimes, even on opposite sides of the world, to combat unfair competition in a similar way. According to Aifang Ma, this development is desirable in the long term, in the sense that it will help to reduce the difficulties of establishing a framework for transnational antitrust regulation.
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The advantages and uncertainties of gas in Europe's energy transition


All sectors of the European economy are developing decarbonisation strategies based on replacing fossil fuels with renewable raw materials. Conflicts in usage therefore seem likely, with undesired economic effects such as the impact on food prices. In the view of Clémence Pèlegrin, new governance mechanisms still need to be invented.
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Sites :

Everything you need to know about the European elections 2024
The Robert Schuman Foundation has launched a dedicated website to give you a better understanding of the vote and what is at stake, as well as the workings, role and history of the European Parliament.
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Schuman Network, a European ideas platform
The Schuman Network aims to promote debate and reflection on European issues. Numerous contributions from think tanks on the international situation, the forthcoming European elections and the issues and challenges to be faced are available. Others will follow.
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Taken up by the media:


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Europe's German debt crisis


Pascale Joannin, Managing Director of the Foundation, took part in journalist Hélène Kohl's "Podkast" with the Franco-German Institute in Ludwigsburg, in an episode dedicated to the European implications of the German debt crisis.
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Studies :

Map of European recovery plans
In response to the economic and social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, the European Union has set up a €672.5 billion recovery fund, known as the "Recovery and Resilience Facility", to be used by Member States in the form of grants and loans. The Foundation offers you an interactive map of the plan’s country by country, to learn about the amounts, timetables and priorities.
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Women in Europe
Europe is the continent of women, but progress still needs to be made. To illustrate the place of women in European politics, society and the economy, the Foundation has produced a map and three tables showing the number of women in governments, national parliaments and the European Parliament, taking stock of the many elections in 2023.
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Events :

Event for students from Saarland University


15/12/2023 The Foundation welcomed students from Saarland University and their teacher Claire Demesnay for a debate with Pascale Joannin and Bernard Guetta, MEP, on France's European policy in the run-up to the European elections.
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Simulation of European Negotiations


Initiated by the academic teams at Sciences Po Aix, in partnership with the Faculty of Law and Political Science at Aix-Marseille and the Foundation, the Brussels' World Simulation (BWS) was held on 12 and 13 December in Marseille, offering Masters students a realistic immersion in the making of European decisions. Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Director of Research and Development, represented the Foundation.
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Is the European Union heading towards "strategic sovereignty"? Perspectives from Poland, France and Germany".


In partnership with SWP and PISM, the Foundation organised a conference in Brussels on the strategic sovereignty of the European Union. Pascale Joannin took part in the round table on defence.
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Agora Schuman


The Foundation, Grand Est-Europe, the Permanent Representations of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and France to the European Union, and the European Movement International organised the first Schuman Agora in Brussels, on the theme "What kind of Europe do we want for 2029". The discussions are available online.
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The foundation in the media :

European council

Ukraine: while Europe hesitates, Putin celebrates…


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The enlargement of the European Union


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The European Council blocked by Orban


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Ukraine, when Orban dictates European aid


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European Summit


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The EU decides to launch negotiations with Ukraine


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Is Hungary blocking the EU Summit?


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An enlarged Europe with Ukraine: when and, above all, how?


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European news

Jacques Delors, a nostalgic Europe


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Esprits Libres, Morning show devoted to Jacques Delors


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Jean-Dominique Giuliani is the guest on the morning show at 6.45 a.m.


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Delors, a leading figure in European integration, has died aged 98


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Delors, death of an independent spirit at the service of Europe


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Europe continues discussions on its migration pact


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Clans, alliances, rivalries: how the far right is weaving its web in Europe


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Does our era want leaders?


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Emmanuel Macron meets Viktor Orbán to prevent the next European Council from collapsing


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Orban in Paris: Macron on a mine-clearing mission to deal with "Moscow's telegrapher".


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The majority of Europeans are optimistic about the future of the European Union


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The contributors of the letter:

Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy, Louis Brand, Mila Shay, Romane Wanner, Loup Panteix, Dayna Osafo, Carole-Louise Ashby

N°ISSN : 2729-6482


Eric Maurice

Publisher :

Pascale Joannin

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