

Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2023

Europe has changed... This is what the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2023" shows, as it analyses the profound changes that have taken place in Europe, accelerated by the shock of the war in Ukraine. This 17th edition, published by Marie B., includes 19 contributions from high-level personalities. The book includes 30 original maps and a full set of commented statistics. The book is available in paper and digital versions in French, and in digital format in English. Order your copy now!

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The Permanent Atlas of the European Union

With the holidays upon us, the Foundation is pleased to present the fifth edition of its "Permanent Atlas of the European Union", a unique work compiled by the Foundation's experts. The atlas provides an easily accessible overview of the European Union, the eurozone and each of its 27 Member States. It summarises the essentials of the Union's history and political and statistical realities and offers more than 50 physical and geopolitical maps of Europe. Available in English and French.

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The European Union, NATO and Europe's security

The complementarity between NATO, which held its summit in Vilnius on 11 and 12 July, and the European Union has never been more evident than since the start of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, writes Jean-Dominique Giuliani.

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For the generations on the move in Europe, there are still so many obstacles. A European odyssey

Democratising the experience of living in a country other than one's own is one of the promises of the European project. But there is still plenty of room for progress and many areas for practical and administrative improvement. Niccolò Bianchini and Stefanie Buzmaniuk use a number of concrete examples to list the problems that need to be resolved as quickly as possible if mobility in Europe is to be meaningful.

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How to make legal life easier for European citizens

While European civil law has evolved considerably and greatly facilitates the task of judges and legal practitioners, Laurence Leguil points out that many very real difficulties still remain for European citizens, particularly in terms of family life, the transfer of assets, support for vulnerable adults and the circulation of public documents.

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Space Fordism and Europe

Although Ariane 5 has just successfully completed its final launch, Europe's space industry appears to be lagging behind. For Olivier Bomsel and Alice Dagicour, it needs to build a new industrial strategy and reform the sector's institutions if it is to respond to the challenges posed by the Americans and the Chinese and remain in the global competition.

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"Music is the very essence of European cultural identity"

It is vital to build a European narrative to show that the European idea is not just the preserve of technocrats," says musician and baritone Jorge Chaminé, founder and president of the European Music Centre.

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The People’s Party leads the Spanish parliamentary elections but is unlikely to be able to form a government

The People's Party (PP), led by Alberto Nunez Feijoo, came out ahead in Spain's parliamentary elections on 23 July, with 33.05% of the vote and 136 seats (+47 compared with the 2019 elections). It edged out Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez's Socialist Party (PSOE), which won 31.7% of the vote and 122 seats (+2). Vox, led by Santiago Abascal, trailed with 12.39% of the vote and 33 seats (down 19). The Sumar (Add) movement, which brings together sixteen left-wing political parties, won 12.31% of the vote and 31 seats. As the PP does not have an absolute majority (176) with Vox, it is unlikely to be able to form a government. Pedro Sanchez could also try to form a coalition with Sumar and regionalist parties. If none of them succeed, new elections could be called.

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"Europe, the war in Ukraine and de-Westernisation"

The summer issue of the Revue internationale et stratégique has been published, with a special report entitled "Towards the de-Westernisation of the World?” The Foundation's Chairman, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, contributed an article on "Europe, the war in Ukraine and de-Westernisation".

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The Map of the European Recovery Plans

In response to the economic and social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, the European Union has set up a €672.5 billion recovery fund, known as the "Recovery and Resilience Facility", to be used by Member States in the form of grants and loans. The Foundation offers you an interactive map of the plans, country by country, to find out the amounts, timetables and priorities.

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War in Ukraine

Should Europe fear the break-up of Russia?

The Albanian Daily News republished Jean-Dominique Giuliani's editorial on possible upheavals in the Russian Federation.

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" If France and Germany had agreed in 2008 that Ukraine and Georgia should join NATO, there would be no war today."

In an interview, Jean-Dominique Giuliani talks about the possible break-up of Russia and the prospect of Ukraine joining the European Union and NATO.

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Emmanuel Macron's views on the Alliance

Jean-Dominique Giuliani's editorial "The European Union, NATO and Europe's security" was quoted in an article on the transatlantic military alliance.

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European Council: Ukraine at the centre of discussions

Stéphanie Antoine interviewed Pascale Joannin on the priorities for the European Council on 29-30 June, including the arrangements for Ukraine's accession to the European Union.

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European News

The rise of far-right parties is shaking up European politics

Éric Maurice is quoted in an article by Karl De Meyer on the proliferation of ad hoc coalitions and the involvement of nationalist forces in executive bodies, which make agreements in Brussels more complicated.

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Inflation, immigration, climate... Europeans’ main issues of concern

Éric Maurice is quoted in an article on the major issues of concern to Europeans in the Eurobarometer survey published on 10 July by the European Commission.

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" The European Union is doing its utmost to reconcile its climate ambitions while continuing to promote mobility".

The return of war to the European continent, migration issues, inflation and labour shortages: in an interview, Niccolò Bianchini analyses the major challenges currently facing the European Union.

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The major projects the European Union must be completed before the elections

Jean-Dominique Giuliani was interviewed about the prospects for enlargement of the European Union, as well as reforms to European migration policy and the electricity market.

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Reforming Europe's migration policy: the way forward despite the obstacles?

Niccolò Bianchini was asked about the difficulties encountered by Member States in reforming European migration policy.

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Foundation News

Harmonisation of national legislation: an ill-advised legal strategy for the European knowledge industry

In a paper in the journal of European Union (Revue de l'Union européenne), Xavier Fressoz refers to Anne-Marie Idrac's study "The European Trade Policy: Moving Towards Less Naivety" published by the Foundation.

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Publishing Director: Pascale JOANNIN

The Robert Schuman Foundation, created in 1991 and acknowledged by State decree in 1992, is the main French research centre on Europe. It develops research on the European Union and its policies and promotes the content of these in France , Europe and abroad. It encourages, enriches and stimulates European debate thanks to its research, publications and the organisation of conferences. The Foundation is presided over by Mr. Jean-Dominique Giuliani.

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