


In this year of renewal of European Institutions, the "Schuman Report on the State of the Union 2019" is more than ever necessary to understand the state of the Union and its chances of winning greater independence and weight on the international stage, thanks to the dependencies it will create amongst its Member States. The Report includes contributions from top experts and contains 33 original maps that summarise the main European challenges and a unique set of commented statistics. Now available to order.

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“The Permanent Atlas of the European Union” a comprehensive and easily accessible overview of the Union, the euro area, its 28 Member States and its overseas territories. It summarises most of the history and political and statistical realities of the Union and offers more than 50 physical and geopolitical maps of Europe. It is available in paper version from the Foundation’s website, in bookshops and in digital version.

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The new European Parliament elected during the vote on 23rd-26th May will be meeting for the first time on 2nd July. You can consult our website, especially devoted the results in the 28 Member States, the name of 751 MEPs who will sit in the parliament until 2024, the name of the presidents and vice-presidents of the political groups and all the news of the new elected parliament.

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The sea, Europe’s new border

According to Jean-Dominique Giuliani, the Foundation’s Chairman the present tension in the Persian Gulf and in the China Sea illustrates how important it is for Europe to be able to ensure the security of the trade routes and to master the race of submarine resources. The European Union, which lives on the world’s shores, has to set sail to define and promote its interests, to conquer its autonomy and guarantee its independence.

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The review Cors@ire d’Esprit Surcouf refers to the Chairman’s editorial.

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From the end of crisis to world challenges: Europe’s strategic programme 2019

During the most recent European Council on 20th June, the 28 heads of State and government adopted the European Union’s “new strategic programme”. Established every five years, this document sets the main priorities at a time when the newly elected European Parliament is about to enter office and when discussions regarding the formation of the next Commission have started.

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Juncker or European added-value. The European Commission’s positive results

Five years ago, Jean-Claude Juncker qualified his Commission as the “last chance”. At the end of the mandate, it might be said that his wager has been won. In a particularly troubled geopolitical environment, the European Commission has successfully adapted itself and has done everything it can to put forward innovative proposals to take the European Union forward. Despite its communication that still has to be improved, the Commission is strong and active is vital to the smooth functioning of the Union.

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The (not so bad) results of Juncker’s Commission

Following the publication of the European Issue, Ramona Bloj, the Foundation’s Studies Director, gave an interview to Gilles Sengès.

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Carbon Neutrality in Europe: how can it be achieved?

With the rise of the ecologist lists in the European elections, all the ingredients have been brought together to make ecology and the speeding up of energy transition a central priority over the next five years. According Emmanuel Tuchscherer, a public debate involving European citizens will be necessary however to achieve the zero-carbon goal that the European Union has set itself for 2050 in a socially fair manner which does not undermine Europe’s competitiveness.

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A more united European Union to face the challenges of a more perilous world

Brexit, which is due to take place on 31st October, will change the European Union’s internal balance and will reduce its influence in the international arena. To rise to these challenges, the Union should be able to avoid having to reassess the treaties, and thereby implement the existing treaties in a better manner. According to Jean-Claude Piris, it could take 18 initiatives to assert its fundamental values, reform the euro zone, develop its immigration policy and strengthen its security.

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New Democracy, favourite in the Greek General Elections on 7th July

Following the European elections Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras requested a snap election (by three months, it should have taken place in the autumn). According to the most recent polls New Democracy (ND) is due to come out ahead in the general elections on 7th July ahead of Tsipras’s Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA).

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The rise of the populists has been contained by that of the liberals and the ecologists in the European elections

Several lessons have been learnt in the 9th European elections which took place in the 28 Member States between the 23rd and 26th May and during which more than 400 million voters appointed 751 MEPs.

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The forces on the left win the general election in Denmark

On 5th June the Social Democratic Party came out ahead in the general elections with 25.9% of the vote, beating the Liberal Party of outgoing Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen (23.4%). All of the parties on the left – the Social Democratic Party, the Social Liberal Party, the People’s Socialist Party and the Unity List (ecologists) – won 91 of the 179 seats in Parliament – 48 of which for the Social Democrats. Mette Frederiksen, leader of the Social Democratic Party and probably the next Prime Minister, is planning for form a minority Social Democratic government, using the centre left as her support.

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Report referred to in an article published in Les Echos on 27th June.

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Franco-German Cooperation 2.0

The Franco-German Institute organised its annual conference together with the Robert Schuman Foundation regarding Franco-German cooperation in a new context typified by the Aachen Treaty and the Franco-German Parliamentary Agreement.

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The « Fédération des Industries des Peintures, Encres et Couleurs » organised a conference on 20th June for its members and partners during which Jean-Dominique Giuliani spoke and explained European issues.

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Artificial intelligence, a turning point for European Defence and Security

The École de guerre organised a seminar on artificial intelligence on 18th June which was inaugurated by Jean-Dominique Giuliani.

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European Elections

European Election Results

For the programme "Fréquence Europe" by Radio Judaïca Strasbourg, Pascale Joannin analysed the European election results and the new political situation.

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European Elections: what next?

During the programme "Ici l'Europe", Pascale Joannin reviewed the results of the European election, the high turnout and the end of the system of sharing and consensus between the two major political groups in the European Parliament, the EPP and the S&D.

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A significant increase

To stress the rise in turnout, the Ami Hebdo referred to the European Issue No517 that the Robert Schuman Foundation published regarding the results of the European elections.

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In Europe the worst is never certain

The 110 issue of its review, the association Cors@ire referred to Jean-Dominique Giuliani’s editorial "In Europe the worst is never certain", in which it responds to the results of the European.

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Is the new Parliament announcing a European spring?

Jean-Dominique Giuliani was guest on the programme “Carrefour de l'Europe” to analyse the results and surprises of the European elections.

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The balance of power in the European Parliament

Pascale Joannin was interviewed regarding the new balance power in the European Parliament.

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Appointments in the institutions

The competition for the "top jobs" in Brussels: five things that you should know

Eric Maurice deciphered the appointment process of the President of the European Commission.

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Can Macron change Europe?

Pascale Joannin, the Foundation’s General Director spoke of Emmanuel Macron’s position in the debate over the appointments of the main posts in the European institutions.

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Franco-German tension complicates race for EU's top jobs

Pascale Joannin gave an interview to the Financial Times to analyse the current frictions between France and Germany.

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ALDE sheds its liberal label and becomes Renew Europe

Eric Maurice, the manager of the Foundation’s Brussels office, analysed France’s potential influence in the European Parliament and the Commission, in an article on the ALDE group in Parliament.

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European News

Finland wants to establish the base for a “Sustainable Europe”

Eric Maurice is quoted in an article on Finland just before the start of the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

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G20: Europe stuck between Xi and Trump

Eric Maurice was interviewed regarding Europe’s position in the trade war between the USA and China.

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Results of the Romanian Presidency of the Council

Eric Maurice was interviewed in the programme Soir Première regarding the results of the Romanian presidency of the Council of the European Union.

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UK: the crazy campaign against Europe

Jean-Dominique Giuliani was in the studio of “C dans l’Air” to debate the succession of British Prime Minister Theresa May and its consequences for Brexit.

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English skills, an MEP's success factor

Eric Maurice spoke about multilingualism in the European Union and its importance for mutual understanding among MEPs and the citizens of Europe.

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What room for manœuvre for Andrej Babiš in the future negotiations?

Eric Maurice reviewed the latest developments regarding the Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš.

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Europe: and if we started with culture?

An AFP dispatch reviews the respect of intellectual property as it refers to the European Issue No507. “And if we started with culture?” by Jean-Noël Tronc.

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Publishing Director: Pascale JOANNIN

The Robert Schuman Foundation, created in 1991 and acknowledged by State decree in 1992, is the main French research centre on Europe. It develops research on the European Union and its policies and promotes the content of these in France , Europe and abroad. It encourages, enriches and stimulates European debate thanks to its research, publications and the organisation of conferences. The Foundation is presided over by Mr. Jean-Dominique Giuliani.

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