Our activities in June 2024

Publications :

Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2024
25,00€ - paper format
Shop | Focusing on major and crucial issues for the future of Europe, the 18th edition of the Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union not only brings together eminent figures from the world of politics, foremost among them the President of the French Republic, the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Parliament. It also gives the floor to people from business, research and diplomacy. Throughout the book, they all share their analyses and visions of the added value of the European Union The book is available in French and English in print and digital format. Order your copy here!
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Editorials :

Europe, the last bastion against extremes


The European Union remains one of the strongest bulwarks against extremes. The demagogic programmes presented during election campaigns in the Member States are generally not implemented because they are incompatible with membership of the European Union. Italy is the most recent example. Will France be next?
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European elections …only France


The European elections showed a relative stability in the continent's political formations, with the exception of France, Italy and Austria. Everywhere else, sovereignist movements regressed, often affected by the exercise of power. The European Union is in working order, despite external interference and the accumulation of challenges.
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Commemorate to Mobilise


On 6 June 2024, the free world gathered on the beaches of Normandy. 80 years earlier, the democracies had landed there to bring down Nazism. They had agreed to "ally themselves with the devil", the worst of regimes, that of Stalin, to triumph over the absolute evil embodied by the black uniforms. It was a short-lived collaboration, which allowed the Soviet Union to gain essential aid for victory and to contribute to it, alas already without regard for its people, who were immediately plunged back into the darkness of dictatorship.
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A time of gravity


Passions are legitimate, often understandable, rarely productive. They must not be allowed to hijack the forthcoming European elections. All democracies are destabilised by the expression of brutal anger, and Europe, one of the oldest democracies, is no exception.
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Taken up by the media


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Schuman papers :

Ukraine’s accession to the EU provides added value and serves historic justice


On the eve of the first intergovernmental conference to open negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the European Union, Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmyto Kuleba takes stock of the benefits of Ukraine's membership of the European Union.
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To be European (free, modern and independent) : seen from Central and Eastern Europe


Deprived of political freedom behind the Iron Curtain, Central and Eastern European societies have learnt to broaden their horizons and continue to be European. For Nathalie de Kanvi, the Ukrainian resistance, but also the inventiveness of the whole of society, despite being at war, illustrates this choice of freedom made possible by the European Union.
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A push to the right but the majority coalition should be renewed


Following the European elections held from 6 to 9 June in the 27 Member States of the European Union, the major balances have been maintained and the only possible majority coalition between the European People's Party (EPP), the Party of European Socialists (PES) and Renew could be renewed. According to Pascale Joannin, the push to the right has been contained at European level, but it is not a tidal wave. Except in France.
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The Russian dilemma returns to the Bulgarian political scene


On the eve of the parliamentary elections on 9 June, Moscow is making a limited comeback as a cultural alternative and geopolitical model, but without succeeding - for the moment - in ruining Bulgaria's pro-European orientation. For Maria Mateeva-Kazakova, there is certainly a long-standing Russo-Bulgarian narrative, but this alone does not explain the breakthrough of the far-right Vazrajdane party in recent years.
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European elections monitor :

Dissolution of the National Assembly and a snap election : Emmanuel Macron’s gamble


It was a thunderbolt in the French sky on the evening of 9 June when, an hour after polling stations closed for the European elections - and as initial results (later confirmed) announced a clear victory for the list of the populist Rassemblement National (RN) party led by party chairman Jordan Bardella - the head of state Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly, the lower house of the French Parliament, and the organisation of early legislative elections on 30 June and 7 July.
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Despite a push to the right the outgoing majority coalition should be renewed with over 400 seats


The tenth European elections, held from 6 to 9 June in the 27 Member States of the European Union, show a certain stability in the choice of European citizens, who have once again given their votes and their confidence to candidates from the three main political families: centre-right (EPP), centre-left (PES, S&D) and Liberals (ALDE, Renew)). The outgoing coalition formed by these 3 parties retains a majority of 405 seats. As the only majority coalition, it should therefore be renewed for the new legislature.
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The Belgians have proved the polls wrong: the New Flemish Alliance (NVA) is victorious in Flanders and the Mouvement Réformateur (MR) has won in Wallonia and Brussels


Contrary to what opinion polls had predicted, the New Flemish Alliance (NVA) emerged victorious from the 9 June general elections in Flanders. It won 16.71% of the vote (24 seats, one less than in the previous parliamentary elections on 26 May 2019) and beat the radical right-wing party Vlaams Belang (VB). The other surprise was the strong growth of the Mouvement Réformateur (MR) in French-speaking Belgium. It won 10.28% of the vote and 20 seats (+6), overtaking the Socialist Party.
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Boyko Borissov's Citizens for the European Development of Bulgaria (GERB) dominate the parliamentary elections in a ballot rejected by two-thirds of voters


Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (GERB), led by former prime minister (2009-2013, 2014-2017, 2017-2021) Boyko Borissov, came out ahead in Bulgaria's parliamentary elections on 9 June. This was the 6th election of its kind to be held in the country since April 2021. The party won 23.55% of the vote.
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Sites :

Results of the European elections and future composition of the European Parliament
The Robert Schuman Foundation has set up a dedicated website to help you find out more about the future European Parliament and its elected MEPs, as well as the workings, role and history of the European Parliament.
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Schuman Network, European ideas platform
The Schuman Network aims to promote debate and reflection on European issues. Numerous contributions from think tanks on the international situation, the European elections and the issues and challenges to be faced are available. Others will follow.
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Studies :

Map of European recovery plans
In response to the economic and social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, the European Union has set up a €672.5 billion recovery fund, known as the "Recovery and Resilience Facility", to be used by Member States in the form of grants and loans. The Foundation offers you an interactive map of the plans country by country, to find out the amounts, timetables and priorities.
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The Women of Europe
Europe is the continent of women, but there is still progress to be made. To illustrate the place of women in European politics, society and the economy, the Foundation has produced a map and three tables showing the number of women in governments, national parliaments and the European Parliament, taking stock of the many held recently.
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Events :

European Morning Coffee


As part of the morning coffee series, the Paris European Movement and the Jeunes Européens Paris organised a meeting with Pascale Joannin, Director General of the Robert Schuman Foundation, on the issues at stake in the European elections.
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La Nuit des Européennes


On 6th June the « Revue Politique et Parlementaire » and HEIP organised "La Nuit des Européennes", in partnership with the Robert Schuman Foundation, CSactu and Theatrum Mundi. Pascale Joannin, Director General of the Foundation has taken part in a round table discussion devoted to "What is Europe?
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European integration: a new space, a new lease of life


The Chairman of the Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, was the keynote speaker at the opening of the AgriDées General Meeting on 6 June, dedicated to the theme of "Europe and sovereignty: where is agriculture? His speech focused on "European construction: a new space, a new lease of life".
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The foundation in the media :


Relative stability with a « push to the right, but not a tidal wave », in the Europeans


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The obsession with public spending, a recipe for electoral failure and economic decline


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European elections

Analysis of the new lay out of the European Parliament


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European elections: the decline of the European dream?


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In Brussels, French influence has weakened


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Abstention reveals serious crisis


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The results of the European elections


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European elections: how will the political groups sit in the hemicycle, how will the non-inscrits position themselves?


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European Elections 2024 - Results, analyses


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And if we had a chat? "The context and issues at stake in the European elections on 9 June 2024"


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Instructions for a decisive election


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The rise of the radical right


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The launch of the European elections


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European elections 2024. The rise of the radical right


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European elections: the great political shake-up


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The French lists and the candidates for the European elections


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European elections: finally a wish for Europe?


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European elections of 9 June 2024, why vote?


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European council

Which candidates for the EU’s key posts ?


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European Union: an agreement on the key posts expected by the end of June


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The distribution of the “top jobs” central to the informal European summit


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Super Ursula, Act 2


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Who will get the European Union’s "top jobs"? What is happening in the wings?


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Ursula von der Leyen, the strategist : the secrets of Europe’s most powerful woman


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Ursula von der Leyen supported by the European Parliament for a 2nd term


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Ursula von der Leyen leads for a new term at the Commission


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Ursula von der Leyen is campaigning, but you cannot vote for her


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Ukraine, soon the 28th member of the EU?


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Kick off for Ukraine’s membership negotiations


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Ukraine soon in the EU?


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Can Ukraine count on the G7 ?


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More women vote for the far right in France than elsewhere in Europe


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Council of the EU: why the presidency of populist Viktor Orban is a cause for concern


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Which place for France in Europe if the RN wins?


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What if Macron was an enemy of his next Prime Minister?


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European Union: what should we expect of the Hungarian presidency of Victor Orban?


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The French are voting… the world is worried


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Focus on the elections


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Emmanuel Macron pushed to dissolve the National Assembly: 4 questions to understand the upheaval


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Dissolution of the National Assembly: what will the fall-out be?


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The free world meets in Normandy


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The fascist flame continues to burn above Giorgia Melon's head


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What we can learn as we look back at the national elections of the last 23 years


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These standards do not (all)l come from Brussels


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The contributors of the letter:

Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy, Juliette Bachschmidt, Charles Devoud, Aiti Syiemlieh, Thomas Richomme, Elena Kuntel

N°ISSN : 2729-6482


Elise Bernard, Stefanie Buzmaniuk

Publisher :

Pascale Joannin

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