

Launch of the Ukrainian version of The Letter

The Foundation's unique newsletter offers a comprehensive summary of European current affairs to over 200,000 recipients every week. Since September, the Foundation has been publishing a Ukrainian version of the newsletter, which is now available in 6 languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Polish and Ukrainian):

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Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2022

The 2022 edition of the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union", with contributions from leading personalities and experts, original maps and commented statistics, analyses the challenges facing Europe and offers a comprehensive view of the European Union. Order your copy now!

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The Permanent Atlas of the European Union

The Permanent Atlas of the European Union, produced by the Foundation's experts, offers a comprehensive and easily accessible overview of the European Union, the euro zone and each of its 27 Member States. It summarises the essential history, political and statistical realities of the Union and offers over 50 physical and geopolitical maps of Europe. Order your copy here.

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Ukraine : the whole world wants peace … except for Putin

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation meeting and the UN General Assembly meeting have highlighted Putin's isolation on the international stage. He is now the only obstacle to peace, writes Jean-Dominique Giuliani.

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Why Europe is supporting Ukraine

"To support with all our strength the Ukraine that embodies honour is to be on the side of courage and resistance to oppression, of truth, peace and democracy; these are our values and the best of what we have," writes Jean-Dominique Giuliani.

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A new United Kingdom?

The death of Queen Elizabeth II symbolically closes the page on post-war Britain. As a new King and Prime Minister come to office, the new reign may be the one in which the country will recover, writes Jean-Dominique Giuliani.

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Nationalism, sovereignism, virilism : the sources of the Russian war against Ukraine

The grounds on which Russia has gone to war are the opposite of European values and Europe has been caught off guard. For Francois Hublet, it is now a matter of Europe renewing its international doctrine and equipping itself with the means to apply it.

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The end of European dependence on Russian hydrocarbons

At a time when energy prices are rising sharply, Europeans are facing a delicate balance between reducing consumption, easing pressure on consumers and making a real transition to tackle climate change. Ramona Bloj says EU coordination is essential.

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“Today, in Russia, the whole media landscape has been destroyed”

Since the start of its war in Ukraine, the Russian government has stepped up its repression of independent media. Even though Russians are increasingly disbelieving of propaganda, it is very difficult to make another voice heard," says Katerina Abramova of the exiled media outlet Meduza.

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In the particular context of the war in Ukraine, the government of Krisjanis Karins is expected to be re-elected in Latvia on 1 October

The coalition that has been in place since October 2018 is the favourite for the parliamentary elections that are being held on 1 October. The only remaining question is whether the Conservatives or the Progressives will join the three parties that currently make up the coalition. The behaviour of the Russian-speaking electorate could be decisive.

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The Bulgarians, whose country is going through a serious political crisis, are being called to the polls for the fourth time in eighteen months

A snap parliamentary election has been called for 2 October after the fall of the government led by Kiril Petkov on 22 June. This is the fourth such election in 18 months. According to the latest opinion poll, the centre-right party (GERB) is in the lead with 28.8% of the vote, ahead of We continue the Change (18.8%), the Socialist Party (12.7%), and the Russophile Renaissance party (10.4%).

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Outgoing President Alexander Van der Bellen is expected to remain in office in Austria

Incumbent Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen could be re-elected in the first round of the presidential election on 9 October with 51% of the vote. He is expected to overtake the far-right FPÖ candidate Walter Rosenkranz (16%) and singer Dominik Wlazny, leader of the Beer Party (12%).

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Victory of the right-wing coalition led by Giorgia Meloni in the Italian parliamentary elections

The right-wing coalition won the parliamentary elections in Italy on 25 September with 43.79% of the vote. The Fratelli d'Italia party came first with 26% and Georgia Meloni claimed the post of Council President. Its allies, the League and Forza Italia, secured 8.77% and 8.11% of the vote respectively.

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Victory for the right-wing forces and a breakthrough for the Sweden Democrats (SD), which is now the country's second largest party.

Les résultats définitifs des élections suédoises du 11 septembre, annoncés le 14 septembre, ont confirmé la victoire du bloc de droite qui obtient 50,4% des suffrages et 176 sièges au Parlement. Le bloc de gauche menée par la Première ministre sortante Magdalena Andersson a obtenu 173 sièges. Elle a démissionné le 15 septembre. Ulf Kristersson, leader du parti des Modérés, a été chargé le 19 septembre de former un nouveau gouvernement.

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European Measures taken regarding energy

In response to rising energy prices, Member States and the European Union have taken measures and developed plans to reduce consumption. The Foundation offers you an interactive map that will be regularly completed and updated.

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European Recovery Plans

In response to the economic and social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, the European Union has set up a €672.5 billion recovery fund, known as the Recovery and Resilience Facility, for Member States, in the form of grants and loans. In total, 26 countries' plans have been approved and 10 countries have received payments. The Foundation provides an interactive map of the country-by-country plans, including amounts, timelines and priorities.

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Columns on the monetary policy

Emmanuel Sales, a member of the Foundation's Board, and Nicolas Goetzmann, one of the Foundation's authors, published articles on inflation and the ECB's monetary policy in L'Opinion and Le Monde respectively.

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War in Ukraine

Impact on energy

Jean-Dominique Giuliani was the guest on the 8 am news to talk about the meeting of European energy ministers and the decisions to be taken to counter the rise in energy prices in the context of the Russian war in Ukraine

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Ukraine : the drone war

On the set of Temps de l'Info, Jean-Dominique Giuliani spoke of Ukraine's military and technological strategy to push back Russian forces.

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Ursula von der Leyen in Kyiv to speak of European integration

On the 2pm news, Jean-Dominique Giuliani was interviewed about the trip to Ukraine by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

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Elections in Sweden and Italy

Italy : Meloni’s victory… and that of fascism?

On the set of C dans l'air, Jean-Dominique Giuliani analysed the reasons for the victory of the Fratelli d'Italia party in the Italian parliamentary elections on 25 September.

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Victory of the far right in Italy

Pascale Joannin, Executive Director of the Foundation, was invited to the Sens Public programme to analyse the results of the parliamentary elections in Italy and their impact on politics at European level.

Watch the programme from 52'

Far-right victory in Italy sparks fears in Europe

Pascale Joannin gave an interview in which she stressed that "the Heads of State and Government will only judge actions. If Giorgia Meloni crosses red lines, they will remind her of the rules that apply to any Member State".

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Europe is closely following the legislative elections in Italy

Eric Maurice, head of the Foundation's Brussels office, explained how the European institutions perceive Italy's political development.

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The dangers of a “brown autumn” in Europe

Jean-Dominique Giuliani is asked about the success of the far right in Sweden and Italy.

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“The rise of the far right in Sweden will not affect the functioning of the European Union.”

In an interview with Gilles Sengès, Jean-Dominique Giuliani recalled that all extreme right-wing parties were quickly rejected once they came to power.

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In Sweden, the right will have to work with the far right to govern

In the programme Sens Public, Pascale Joannin commented on the results of the Swedish parliamentary elections, which were marked by the breakthrough of the Sweden Democrats (SD) as the country's second largest party.

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The far right is once again knocking on Europe's doors

Pascale Joannin was interviewed on the breakthrough of the far right in Sweden and Italy and its implications at European level.

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In Brussels, the fear of a "brown autumn".

Following the breakthrough of the far right in Sweden, Eric Maurice is quoted in an article on the presence of the extremes at European level

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United Kingdom

After Scotland, Charles III in Northern Ireland: can the King keep the Kingdom together?

Pascale Joannin was a guest on the programme Le Débat about the new King Charles III and maintaining the unity of the Kingdom at a pivotal political moment in the country’s history.

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Scotland in the UK

In the 4pm Newswire, Pascale Joannin explains the specificities of the status of Scotalnd within the United Kingdom and the reasons for independence that has been increasing for several years in Scotland.

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The New United Kingdom

Jean-Dominique Giuliani was interviewed about a UK in transition following the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the start of Liz Truss' term as the UK's 56th Prime Minister.

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“London Bridge is down”

In an interview with Renaud Blanc in the morning programme, Jean-Dominique Giuliani commented on the death of Queen Elizabeth II and said that "she was the only person who still embodied the unity of an extremely disunited, declining and divided country".

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Charles III, how to rule after Elizabeth II?

In the 4pm Newswire, Jean-Dominique Giuliani outlined the challenges facing the UK since the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the arrival of the new Prime Minister Liz Truss.

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After Elizabeth II

Pascale Joannin was invited on the 11pm show to talk about the UK's place on the world stage after the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the accession of the new King Charles III.

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Elizabeth II : the United Kingdom in anguish

On the set of C dans l'air, Jean-Dominique Giuliani notes that with the change in the head of the British government and the arrival of a new monarch, the United Kingdom is living through a historic period.

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The UK has a new Prime Minister

Medi1Radio interviewed Pascale Joannin on Liz Truss who succeeds Boris Johnson and takes over the leadership of the country at a time when it is on the verge of an economic recession and social demands are making themselves heard.

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Who is Liz Truss, the new 'Iron Lady' of Downing Street and what will her challenges be?

In an interview, Eric Maurice notes that we cannot expect a radical change in [...] Liz Truss' European policy compared to Boris Johnson's.

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After Bojo, the new Thatcher?

On the set of C dans l'air, Jean-Dominique Giuliani was invited to discuss the new policy that Liz Truss will pursue as British Prime Minister, and its implications for the European Union.

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European News

Retirement reform : is it really urgent?

Pascale Joannin was guest on the Smart Job programme to detail the measures taken by our European partners on pension reform

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… and the Federalists?

In an article, Jean-Dominique Giuliani points out that "the debate between sovereignists and federalists is completely outdated."

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Crises, the false cement of the European Union

In an article on the European Union's path to political progress, Eric Maurice notes that "the establishment of [emergency] mechanisms strengthen the overall European architecture".

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Ursula von der Leyen, the moment of truth for a political animal

Eric Maurice was interviewed about the meeting of energy ministers on the proposals made by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to tackle the energy crisis.

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Europe : institutional reform is not going to be immediate

In an article on the establishment of a Convention, Eric Maurice states that for Member States "the urgency is to deal with the war, the energy crisis and their consequences.”

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30 years since the signature of the Maastricht Treaty

In the midday news, Pascale Joannin looks back at 20 September 1992, when the French narrowly approved the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty.

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Europe facing the test of sobriety

In a special programme of Fabienne Sintès' 18-20h live from Strasbourg with Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, Pascale Joannin was invited to speak about European measures to tackle the energy crisis this winter.

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For your information: how do you explain the different inflations in Europe?

Eric Maurice reviews the economic situation in the European Union and its Member States since the outbreak of war in Ukraine.

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Publishing Director: Pascale JOANNIN

The Robert Schuman Foundation, created in 1991 and acknowledged by State decree in 1992, is the main French research centre on Europe. It develops research on the European Union and its policies and promotes the content of these in France , Europe and abroad. It encourages, enriches and stimulates European debate thanks to its research, publications and the organisation of conferences. The Foundation is presided over by Mr. Jean-Dominique Giuliani.

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