Our activities in September 2024

Publication :

"Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2024"
25,00 - paper format
Shop | In the ‘Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2024’, eminent representatives from the worlds of politics, business, research and diplomacy paint a portrait of a Union that is tracing the contours of environmental and digital sovereignty and projecting itself into a new geopolitical era, full of new challenges, particularly for its industry and defence. The book is available in French and English, in paper and digital versions. Order your copy here.
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Editorials :

European Governance in Difficulty


The composition of the new European Commission is proving difficult and painful. Its President intends to head up alone an institution that wants to extend its remit to include geostrategy, i.e. foreign and defence policy. This is not without its problems. The Member States are reluctant, and there is no room for free spirits within the Commission, which explains Thierry Breton's resignation.
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Pay careful attention to Draghi


The former President of the European Central Bank has published a report on the future of competitiveness commissioned by the President of the European Commission. More than 400 pages summarise his thinking on the European economy and his proposals, which are ‘breathtaking’, because although we are waiting for his precise proposals, we already know the substance of his thinking.
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Schuman papers :

What future for European Defence?


On 1 October, Mark Rutte, former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, began his term as Secretary General of NATO. According to Iris Herbelot, his appointment comes at a time when contributions and equipment need to be Europeanised, and European defence needs to go beyond NATO.
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Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy


Global value chains and cross-border financial links have been severely tested in recent years. How can Europe navigate these troubled waters? Benoît Coeuré suggests a number of avenues to explore. Europe can capitalise on its main asset, the single market, and create a new toolbox for industrial policy. Mario Draghi's report on competitiveness and Enrico Letta's report on the future of the single market are available to Europe's political leaders to meet the challenge.
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Europe’s Defence against Russia


The large-scale offensive war launched by Russia against Ukraine on 24 February 2022 marked a real turning point in the history of Finland and Europe. For Elina Valtonen, it has radically altered the European security order, and there is probably no turning back. The cooperative, treaty-based security order has been transformed into a system based on a balance of power, deterrence and containment.
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Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions


Fifty years after the partition of the island of Cyprus, Maria-Christina Sotiropoulou focuses on the specific nature of this Member State of the European Union and the lessons to be learned for the future. At a time when enlargement to include new states with still disputed border demarcations is being considered, it is necessary to revisit the Cyprus question, as the definitive position of the northern part in relation to the European Union is still ambiguous.
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European elections monitor :

Landslide in Austria as far-right party leads federal elections for the first time


The Freedom Party (FPÖ), led by Herbert Kickl, came out ahead in the Austrian federal elections on 29 September. This is the first time that the far-right party has won such an election. It garnered 28.9% of the vote and won 57 seats, ahead of the ÖVP, which secured 26.3% and 51 seats, and the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ), which won 21.1% and 41 seats. Next came NEOS-New Austria (NEOS), with 9.1% and 18 seats, and the Greens-Green Alternative (DG), members of the outgoing government coalition, with 8.2% and 16 seats (down 11). However, having finished first in the federal elections, the FPÖ may not be in a position to govern, given the divisive personality of its leader.
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The Social Democrat opposition may come out ahead in the Lithuanian general election


Lithuanians are invited to renew 141 members of the Seimas, the single chamber of Parliament, on 13 and 27 October. 19 political parties and 18 independent candidates are standing for election. Leaders in opinion polls, the Social Democrats (LSP) are the favourites, but they only came second in the European elections on 9 June. They will have to find partners to govern, but are already refusing any coalition with the Homeland Union-Christian Democrats, which is due to come second in the elections, while remaining open to other radical parties, which is causing concern among many observers.
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Events :

Women’s rights but what else?


As part of the MoDem Summer University, Elise Bernard, PhD, Head of Studies at the Foundation, led two European workshops. The first focused on conditions for women and the second on European health.
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Freedom of expression in democracies destabilised


As part of the Franco-German Journalism Prize, the Robert Schuman Foundation and the Genshagen Foundation organised a European debate at ARTE on 17 September entitled "Freedom of expression in destabilised democracies" in the presence of Birgit Holzer and Olivier Guez.
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Europe's impact on the French economy


The Ordre des Experts-Comptables and the Grand Est region held their General Assemblies at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 12 and 13 September. To mark the occasion, a conference on the impact of Europe on the French economy was organised on 12 September, in the presence of Franck Leroy, President of the Grand Est region, Grégoire Chauvière Le Drian, Director of the European Investment Bank France, and Pascale Joannin, Managing Director of the Robert Schuman Foundation.
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Sites :

The Schuman Network, ideas in Europe
The Schuman Network, a Foundation initiative, works to promote the sharing of ideas on a European scale. With 21 members from 13 European countries, the Schuman Network is a forum to pool research on topical European issues. Since its launch, over 125 studies have been published.
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Everything you need to know about the European Parliament
In the European elections held from 6 to 9 June, Europeans voted in 720 MEPs for the next five years, who took office on 16 July. The parliamentary committees were set up at the end of July. The Foundation has launched a website where you can find out who was elected, the composition of the Parliament and, in particular, its committees, which were appointed on 23 July and whose first task will be to hear the prospective commissioners.
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The foundation in the media :

Composition of the new european commission

What reforms should the new Commission undertake?


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EU commissioner retreat shows Macron's waning clout in Europe


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Behind Thierry Breton's resignation, Emmanuel Macro's loss of influence in Europe


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Resignation of Thierry Breton


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Who “killed” Thierry Breton ?


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The backroom deal to parachute Macron loyalist into Brussels


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Thierry Breton leaves the European Commission


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Europe : the Breton affair weakens France


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What you need to know before the choice of the European Commissioners


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European Commission: where are the women?


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Appointment of french prime minister

What room for manœuvre for Barnier?


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The European career of Prime Minister Michel Barnier


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European news

European Parliament, the RN before the judges. MEPs involved in scandals


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In Austria, a tense duel between the far right and the conservatives


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Return of border controls in Germany


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France: facing public deficits


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Borders: Germany takes control. And France ?


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EU: decline or recovery


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The EU Starts the Countdown to Enlargement that Will Change the Bloc Forever


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Media at risk: the low points in the European Commission's report on the rule of law


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The high points of the European Commission's Rule of Law Report


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Back to work at the foundation

Europe’s ‘basket cases’ are on the up


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Ukraine and the EU: towards "fruitful cooperation" in the face of Russian exports?


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Dependency care in the European Union


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The contributors of the letter:

Helen Levy, Juliette Bachschmidt, Catherine d'Angelo, Maxime Painot, Lilian Lallemand

N°ISSN : 2729-6482


Elise Bernard

Publisher :

Pascale Joannin

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