As we move from the dark, destructive days of Trumpism into a new administration, it’s no time to relax

Dear Friend,

As we move from the dark, destructive days of Trumpism into a new administration, it’s no time to relax: If anything, we must stay charged to ensure that The New Republic is still supported.

Following Biden’s victory, the Republican Party has moved beyond soothing Trump’s psychic wounds. It is attempting to diminish trust in our election process and, at the same time, in legitimate journalism. Right-wing propaganda outlets like Fox, Newsmax, One America, and thousands of websites are adding false and misleading noise to our political news.  

As the velocity of insults against our democracy continues to accelerate, TNR is doubling down on our mission to report what the mainstream media won’t tell you.

But the cost of publishing independent, fact-based journalism is far more than what we earn from subscription and advertising revenues.

That’s why I’m writing to ask for your assistance. 

Even as little as $25 will bolster our ability to report the news with accuracy, intellectual vigor, and scrupulous professionalism. Please help by donating today.

Your access to the facts behind the most pressing issues of our time is our first priority. We answer only to our readers, no one else, with articles such as:

Matt Ford’s The Georgia Runoff Elections Are a Referendum on Political Corruption

Osita Nwanevu’s Congress’s Bipartisanship Fetish Is Killing the Covid Relief Effort

Alex Pareene’s Neal Katyal and the Depravity of Big Law

With your donation, you will help provide the resources we need to continue producing these hard-hitting investigative features and publish the best writers in American independent journalism.
The moment to give is NOW. 



Kerrie Gillis, publisher

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