As the summer heats up, literally and figuratively, I’m writing to remind you that this is a critical time in our country. 

Dear Friend,


As the summer heats up, literally and figuratively, I’m writing to remind you that this is a critical time in our country. 


As the velocity of insults against our democracy continues to accelerate throughout the nation, The New Republic is doubling down on our mission to report what the mainstream media won’t tell you. But the cost of publishing independent, fact-based journalism is far more than what we earn from subscriptions and advertising revenues.


That’s why I’m making an appeal today. Your donation will bolster our ability to report the news with the accuracy, intellectual vigor, and scrupulous professionalism you’ve come to enjoy from TNR. 


Your access to the facts behind the most pressing issues of our time is our first priority. We answer only to our readers, no one else.


Recently, TNR has kept us thinking with:


Alex Shephard’s Mainstream Reporters Are Parroting the Republicans’ Idiotic Talking Points About Crime

Zachary Carter’s The End of Friedmanomics

Matt Ford’s How Dumb Does Kyrsten Sinema Think We Are?

John Pfaff’s Can Criminal Justice Reform Survive a Wave of Violent Crime?

Robin Kaiser-Schatzlein The Millionaires Who Want to Abolish Extreme Wealth


Your donation will make an impact. When you support TNR, you’re not just giving money. You’re giving our journalists the power to uncover the real news behind the fog of lies, evasions, and spin that passes for journalism in the corporate media. You can take pride in that!
We’ll be thrilled with your contribution of $25, $50, $100, or even more.
In the meantime, TNR will continue to update you on the issues that count in politics, social justice, climate change, and arts and culture.


Thank you for reading and supporting The New Republic. 




Kerrie Gillis, publisher

P.S. Receive a FREE TNR tote bag as our gift to you when you donate $100 or more.


Contributions to the Fund for The New Republic are not tax-deductible as charitable donations.
