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May 3, 2024

Hello there! Shaminder's taking a break from email duties for now, so I'll be stepping in to recap the week for you. 

It's been a heads-down period for the team as we focus on prepping for what looks like a busy new release cycle this month.  We're also excited to start spotlighting some of our favorite stories we've ever published as part of our 25th-anniversary celebration. 

This week's content highlight is, naturally, our review of the Fujifilm X100VI (hint: we like it). We also launched our roundup of Firmware updates for major camera models. 

— Ben 

Fujifilm X100VI review
The Fujifilm X100VI is the sixth iteration of Fujifilm's classically-styled large sensor compact. A 40MP X-Trans sensor, in-body stabilization and 6.2K video are the major updates, but do they make the camera better?
Viltrox AF 40mm F2.5 Z sample gallery
We paired the Viltrox AF 40mm F2.5 with a Nikon Z7 and took photos from rain-soaked Seattle to the high desert of central Oregon. Check out our sample gallery to see how this inexpensive lens performed.
Peakto Search for Lightroom Classic: Using AI to search the contents of your photos
Peakto Search, a new plug-in for Lightroom Classic on macOS, uses AI tech to index your photos so you can perform searches across one or more catalogs using descriptive text prompts or visual similarity to other images.
News Updates
Firmware update roundup: Fujifilm, Nikon, Sony and Panasonic
Updates from Fujifilm, Nikon, Sony and Panasonic help expand their cameras' capabilities.
We want to see your best bird photos: DPReview Editors' Challenge
In honor of World Migratory Bird Day, we want to see your best bird photos. It's going to get stork raving mad, but moving with no egrets to present your im-peck-able best would be eggcellent.
Question of the week: If you could update one camera from the past, what would it be?
Every week, we ask newsletter subscribers a question about gear, creativity or life. This week we looked back in time to ponder which classic cameras are overdue for a comeback.

Further Reading
Thank you all for your thoughtful responses to last week's question. It was fun publishing some of your replies in a post and seeing the rest of the community chime in. We're hoping to do more of this in the future. 

In case you missed them, here are some notable stories we've tracked this week.

•  Katie Deighton at The Wall Street Journal has a 
concerning piece outlining how Generative AI may (or may not) kill the Stock Photography industry.

• Google Photos is apparently on the verge of releasing new features that will allow users more granular control over the faces you see.
• Popular camera bag and accessory maker Peak Design has partnered with The Roam Collective to create a new all-expenses-paid scholarship program designed to equip up-and-coming female photographers and videographers with the skills, guidance, and relationships needed to launch or level-up their careers in the outdoor industry. Learn more about the program here.

Here's our next question of the week:
What's a camera you used to own that you regret letting go of, and why?

Let us know; by filling out our newly created response form here.

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