Will you help fuel our work by midnight?

Free Press Action


Whether you’ve been following Free Press Action for a long time or just recently joined our movement, you may know that one of the biggest ways we fund our work is by lots of people chipping in whatever they can afford — $5, $30, $75 — at any given moment.

On the other hand, we don’t take money from business, government or political parties. That's just not how we operate — and we never will. Our independence is way too important.

So here’s the deal: We must bring in as many contributions as possible by midnight, especially as we wrap up a month filled with crucial battles. We're pushing Congress to pass a good privacy bill, working to defend Net Neutrality against legal challenges — and promoting a policy platform that rights the serious wrongs in media and technology that concern a majority of Americans.

According to our records, you haven’t donated to Free Press Action yet. And if you've been waiting for the right time to give, that time is now.

Will you make your first gift of $10, $30 or any amount today to help us hit our June fundraising goal?

Thank you so much for helping us reach our June goal — and for all you do to support Free Press Action.

Brenda and the rest of the Free Press Action team

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